Shopping list for next week


May 2, 2005
I'm going to get my big payoff soon, and I'm going to "blow my load" on a computer. I've chosen to do a self-build. I've researched here and a couple of other places and chosen the following.

Processor: AMD Athlon64 3200 Venice Core
Motherboard: DFI nF4-DAGF NVIDIA nForce4 ATX AMD
RAM: CORSAIR ValueSelect 2 x 512MB 184-Pin DDR SDRAM DDR 400 (Dual Channel)
Video Card: SAPPHIRE Radeon x800PRO (PCIe x16)
HD: Western Digital 120gig (SATA 150)
Sound: CHAINTECH AV-710 8
CD/DVD: open to suggestions

I'm getting most of this from Newegg, but I'm going to check a couple of other places online, and a local place or two first. I'm open to all advice.


Edit: Also, Power Supply: Fortron Source ATX12V 400W
Well, the PRO fits better in what I feel I'll be able to spend. If I get enough to make up the difference I'll gladly grab an XL or XT.
lookin good, i have a 3200 whiny and it's fast enough already, but it is sooo easy to oc

dontr know what you plan on spending but you cna get x800xl's for around 250 if you look hard.
well perhaps you could go with a different nforce 4 motherboard to free up some cash for the x800 xl.