Sharing a hard drive, fun with windows networking


Mar 26, 2012
Prior to today I could access the 3TB USB hard drive hooked to my desktop from any device in the house. It was magical! Today, it just stopped. I had it set up to give "Everyone" full privileges. Now, the only way to make it work is to do the above, but then to also "share" it as a folder.

So now on my laptop, I see 2 network storage devices with the same exact name, one of which works and the other gives me the "you don't have permission to access this" error message. Cool!

So, anyone know what's going on here, aside from Windows being Windows?
I'd try turning off the sharing and re-enabling it. Also check to make sure the network location on either computer didn't change to public. Try turning off Windows Firewall.
I'm an idiot, will elaborate further once I verify that everything is working correctly.
I had recently installed an internal card reader. This bumped my external from being "E' to being "I" and it screwed up everything. Re-assigned drive letters fixed it.