Shared WiFI Connection is Email-Jamming Slow


Oct 13, 2014
I just moved into a sublet for a temporary few weeks while.
I checked the WiFi here during the day and the speed was rock-and-roll, and handed over my rent and deposit.

Now in the evenings, I can't even open my email because the connection is so slow. My iPhone (sends imessages over WiFi and couldn't even get a text message out without a thirty-second lag.)
I am guessing that the other people that live here, are Netflixing and streaming the whole night.

I don't know that much except the bare-basics of networks but
Is there anything that I can do to allow myself a little more bandwidth on the network? (preferably making this adjustment from my computer?)
I know this is a bit of a hacking question.... what are the options?
You have none unless you have access to router/access point.

buy your own internet or tether to your phone?
It is probably the other users of the shared connection. You can't do anything about that.
I just moved into a sublet for a temporary few weeks while.
I checked the WiFi here during the day and the speed was rock-and-roll, and handed over my rent and deposit.

Now in the evenings, I can't even open my email because the connection is so slow. My iPhone (sends imessages over WiFi and couldn't even get a text message out without a thirty-second lag.)
I am guessing that the other people that live here, are Netflixing and streaming the whole night.

I don't know that much except the bare-basics of networks but
Is there anything that I can do to allow myself a little more bandwidth on the network? (preferably making this adjustment from my computer?)
I know this is a bit of a hacking question.... what are the options?

Get your own internet or only use it in the off hours.