Share your mouse bindings!


Mar 27, 2007
I've got an MX revolution and I've been spending some time today thinking about my mouse bindings. I think I have a good setup now and I want to hear what other people have come up with. I only use my mouse in firefox and adobe products, when navigating the rest of my computer I use the keyboard for 95% of my actions (this is made possible by learning the hotkeys of all my programs by rote memory, and by the fabulous launcher-that-does-more QuickSilver (yea, I got a mac, and I LOVE it...let's not go there though :))

Anyway, here's my firefox bindings. I actually use every single button on the MX revolution for something constructive (i.e., I actually find myself saving time by using these buttons, and nothing goes unused. I really, really do like the MX revolution as a hardware unit, though its driver is broken for Mac, and I use a third party driver).

PS. The actual key sequences are diff. on windows, but what I'm interested in are the actions, and why you picked them where they are.

Right button - Contextual menu

Middle button (on MX, that is scroll wheel being depressed): shft-cmd-click, which opens a link in a new tab and takes me there. Links are one time where you always have a mouse in your hand, (unless you are a masochist using Konqueror or something). I use this to open links more often than a regular click.

Scroll with wheel - scroll up/down

Scroll with wheel depressed - cmd - + and cmd - -. These change the base text display size in firefox. Since I have a 30 incher, which has a high DPI (dots per inch), and thus at its highest resolution, high PPI (pixels per inch), text on many websites is uncomfortably small to read. (E.G., this site gets two clicks up). I would guess I increase the base font size on half the sites I read or more.

Button 4 (thumb "back button"): cmd-[, firefox for "back"

Button 5 (thumb "forward button"): cmd-], firefox for "forward"

Button 6 (search button, or the middle-button-below-the-scroll-wheel): cmd-click, which opens a link in a new tab, and keeps me on the current tab.

Button 7 ("wheel tilt left"): ctrl-shft-tab, which navigates to the previous tab in firefox

Button 8 ("tilt right): ctrl-tab, goes to next tab

Button 9 ("thumb-button-up"): expose all. Expose is a mac thing. What do yall windowsers do with your thumb button, if you have one?

Button 11("thumb down"): expose app

Button 13 ("thumb depress"): show desktop. It's a toggle switch - push it once, hide windows, push it again, bring them all back.

Please share your setup, with whatever mouse you use, inquiring minds want to know.