SG03 questions...

Mar 31, 2007
Greetings all,

I know I just built an SG01e build, but I'm curious how you SG03 owners like the case? How's the cooling? Do the 120mm fans make that much of a difference? Can it hold 2 Hard Drives? Can it fit an 8800 GTX?

I'm not looking to upgrade too soon, but for some odd reason this case has grown on me lol

To answer some of your questions, Yes it can hold 2 HDD, 4 HDD if you forego the DVD and floppy drives. You can fit a PCI card up to 29cm long, so yeah, most 8800 GTX's should fit! Plenty of room for power supply too! Only thing this case doesn't have a lot of room for is CPU coolers which are limited to about 9cm in height.

I'd elaborate on the temperatures, but I am waiting on my motherboard to arrive in the mail. I'll get back to you on that in a couple of days because I will have almost exact same hardware as you hehe!
To answer some of your questions, Yes it can hold 2 HDD, 4 HDD if you forego the DVD and floppy drives. You can fit a PCI card up to 29cm long, so yeah, most 8800 GTX's should fit! Plenty of room for power supply too! Only thing this case doesn't have a lot of room for is CPU coolers which are limited to about 9cm in height.

I'd elaborate on the temperatures, but I am waiting on my motherboard to arrive in the mail. I'll get back to you on that in a couple of days because I will have almost exact same hardware as you hehe!

Thanks for the reply!

Just curious, but will the NT06 Lite (just the heatsink)/PSU combo work with the SG03? I'm doing the passive cooling with my SG01e and it works awesome!
Thanks for the reply!

Just curious, but will the NT06 Lite (just the heatsink)/PSU combo work with the SG03? I'm doing the passive cooling with my SG01e and it works awesome!

Thanks for the reply!

Just curious, but will the NT06 Lite (just the heatsink)/PSU combo work with the SG03? I'm doing the passive cooling with my SG01e and it works awesome!

Like the SG01, it is made for the NT06 Lite set up
I just emailed SilverStone and they sent me the following:

Is the NT06-lite compatible with an Intel Q6600 Quad Core CPU?
1. NT06-Lite can support Intel C2Q6600 with a 120mm fan, and you can install them in SUGO series cases.

Is the NT06-lite compatible with a gigabyte GA-G33M-DS2R motherboard?
2. GA-G33M-DS2R is compatible with NT06-Lite in SUGO series cases.


Product and Marketing Dept. / ET Hong

SilverStone Technology Co., Ltd

Tel:886-2-8227-8222 ext 330
Greetings all,

I know I just built an SG01e build, but I'm curious how you SG03 owners like the case? How's the cooling? Do the 120mm fans make that much of a difference? Can it hold 2 Hard Drives? Can it fit an 8800 GTX?

I'm not looking to upgrade too soon, but for some odd reason this case has grown on me lol


The GTX installation required the removal of the interior fan grill, so no big issues there. I ran the stock Intel HSF on an E6600 first with my SG03, temps were 65C+ load I believe, my HDD was in the rear HDD mounting slot and temps on that were 55C!! :eek:

After this I installed the NT06, mounted the FM122 fan that came with it on the front (I couldn't get the NT06 Lite box) along with the supplied 12cm fan (The FM122 is a 35?mm thick fan so that had to go on the top fan slot position or it would interfere with the GTX).

Also I took off the Intel OEM HSF's Fan and mounted it upside down under the NT06 as well as moved my HDD to the forward bay nearer to the front case fan and flipped it upsidedown.

Now the HDD temps are reasonable @ about 40C while CPU load temps don't exceed 56C or so.
The GTX installation required the removal of the interior fan grill, so no big issues there. I ran the stock Intel HSF on an E6600 first with my SG03, temps were 65C+ load I believe, my HDD was in the rear HDD mounting slot and temps on that were 55C!! :eek:

After this I installed the NT06, mounted the FM122 fan that came with it on the front (I couldn't get the NT06 Lite box) along with the supplied 12cm fan (The FM122 is a 35?mm thick fan so that had to go on the top fan slot position or it would interfere with the GTX).

Also I took off the Intel OEM HSF's Fan and mounted it upside down under the NT06 as well as moved my HDD to the forward bay nearer to the front case fan and flipped it upsidedown.

Now the HDD temps are reasonable @ about 40C while CPU load temps don't exceed 56C or so.

Thank you for the information. Even the little things like removing fan grills is very nice to know. I ran into some space issues when installing my 8800 GTS KO on the DSR2. One of the RAM clips had to be 'removed" in order for the card to sit properly. No biggy for those who don't mind ripping plastic pieces off their Mobo lol.

Thos temps don't seem to shabby. I was hoping for a bit lower, because of the two 120mm fans though. Did you replace the stock PSU fan?
The GTX installation required the removal of the interior fan grill, so no big issues there. I ran the stock Intel HSF on an E6600 first with my SG03, temps were 65C+ load I believe, my HDD was in the rear HDD mounting slot and temps on that were 55C!! :eek:

After this I installed the NT06, mounted the FM122 fan that came with it on the front (I couldn't get the NT06 Lite box) along with the supplied 12cm fan (The FM122 is a 35?mm thick fan so that had to go on the top fan slot position or it would interfere with the GTX).

Also I took off the Intel OEM HSF's Fan and mounted it upside down under the NT06 as well as moved my HDD to the forward bay nearer to the front case fan and flipped it upsidedown.

Now the HDD temps are reasonable @ about 40C while CPU load temps don't exceed 56C or so.

I am curious, in your tests, what kind of fan is on your PSU and which way is it oriented in the case? That is, is the PSU drawing air from inside the case or through the grill on the side panel?
Thos temps don't seem to shabby. I was hoping for a bit lower, because of the two 120mm fans though. Did you replace the stock PSU fan?

I am curious, in your tests, what kind of fan is on your PSU and which way is it oriented in the case? That is, is the PSU drawing air from inside the case or through the grill on the side panel?

PSU is a Silverstone Olympia OP650, 650W, single-rail, non-modular.

Its oriented with the fan facing the NT06 Heatsink, drawing air into the PSU and out the back, I mounted the stock Intel heatsink's fan under the NT06 to help push air into the PSU, had to break off the fan's mounting clips though.
PSU is a Silverstone Olympia OP650, 650W, single-rail, non-modular.

Its oriented with the fan facing the NT06 Heatsink, drawing air into the PSU and out the back, I mounted the stock Intel heatsink's fan under the NT06 to help push air into the PSU, had to break off the fan's mounting clips though.

Ah I see thanks for info about your temps. I was also going to try using the stock heatsink with my e6600. Also, I was planning on mounting my 620w corsair psu with the fan facing the grill on the side panel. It will be interesting to compare the temps with your results! One difference is I will be using 2x120mm intake fans from the get go. This will leave me without any exhaust fans, I am hoping that the 2 intake fans will create enough airflow, however I may end up inverting the PSU if that is not the case, or install a PCI slot fan at the top of the chassis.

I will also try the hdd in the front bracket after reading about your experience mounting in the rear! I can't say I'm surprised though most cases have a pocket of hot air beneath the gpu, but 55c does sound a too hot.
Ah I see thanks for info about your temps. I was also going to try using the stock heatsink with my e6600. Also, I was planning on mounting my 620w corsair psu with the fan facing the grill on the side panel. It will be interesting to compare the temps with your results! One difference is I will be using 2x120mm intake fans from the get go. This will leave me without any exhaust fans, I am hoping that the 2 intake fans will create enough airflow, however I may end up inverting the PSU if that is not the case, or install a PCI slot fan at the top of the chassis.

I will also try the hdd in the front bracket after reading about your experience mounting in the rear! I can't say I'm surprised though most cases have a pocket of hot air beneath the gpu, but 55c does sound a too hot.

Yes, please post your temps as well, it will be nice to know how the Corsair PSU performs as I was thinking of getting that (the modular cables should be a great help), there is another thread on this forum where someone replaced their Corsair HX620W's fan with a Scythe S-Flex F and reported a 10c drop in temps. Also I'm in Singapore so its quite hot & humid here, hopefully you'll get better temps wherever you are at.

As for mounting a PCI fan slot on the top bracket, that sounds like a great idea, unfortunately for me I mounted my fan speed control bracket there. Also I heard it maybe possible to mount the HDD vertically on the side silver mounting bracket thing, that may drop temps as the normal mounting bays don't really make proper contact with the HDD's casing.
Greetings all,

I know I just built an SG01e build, but I'm curious how you SG03 owners like the case? How's the cooling? Do the 120mm fans make that much of a difference? Can it hold 2 Hard Drives? Can it fit an 8800 GTX?

I'm not looking to upgrade too soon, but for some odd reason this case has grown on me lol


I acually put the sg01 and sg03 side by side at Fry's and chose the sg01's smaller really..can fit it in a backpack. the depth of the two is acually the same, but the width of the sg01 is less.
I acually put the sg01 and sg03 side by side at Fry's and chose the sg01's smaller really..can fit it in a backpack. the depth of the two is acually the same, but the width of the sg01 is less.

Sorry, but is not true, dimensions are:

SG03: 200 mm (W) x 360 mm (H) x 312 mm (D)
SG01: 263 mm (W) x 216 mm (H) x 393 mm (D)
Sorry, but is not true, dimensions are:

SG03: 200 mm (W) x 360 mm (H) x 312 mm (D)
SG01: 263 mm (W) x 216 mm (H) x 393 mm (D)

SG03: 8" (W) x 14.4" (H) x 12.48" (D)
SG01: 10.52" (W) x 8.64" (H) x 15.72" (D)

The SG03 is a pretty nice little tower box but its a shame it doesn't have a rear exhaust. I'm one of those believers that think you should have intake as well as exhaust fans on any case no matter its size. But thats just me. If I read the SS website correctly you can put the crossflow fan they make on the back of the SG03. I'm wondering if a person could do that as an exhaust? I know their crossflow fan isnt considered worth much by most people but if it can be set up as an exhaust rear fan it might be enough to help push/pull air out the back. Any thoughts on this?
Well guys, I realize those may be true specs on the two cases, but I just based my decision on real comparisons..with both of them right in front of me. I do think they're both very nice cases...just chose the SG01 for my needs.
SG03: 8" (W) x 14.4" (H) x 12.48" (D)
SG01: 10.52" (W) x 8.64" (H) x 15.72" (D)

The SG03 is a pretty nice little tower box but its a shame it doesn't have a rear exhaust. I'm one of those believers that think you should have intake as well as exhaust fans on any case no matter its size. But thats just me. If I read the SS website correctly you can put the crossflow fan they make on the back of the SG03. I'm wondering if a person could do that as an exhaust? I know their crossflow fan isnt considered worth much by most people but if it can be set up as an exhaust rear fan it might be enough to help push/pull air out the back. Any thoughts on this?

When I was comparing the two cases I remember that the SG03 had plenty of ventilation in the front and side...and of coarse the 120mm on back.

By the way regarding dims...the faceplate on SG01 extends about 1/2" beyond top and width of case is acually 1" shorter than the faceplate. When I compared the width of the cases they were almost exactly the same...excluding the faceplate.
If I read the SS website correctly you can put the crossflow fan they make on the back of the SG03. I'm wondering if a person could do that as an exhaust? I know their crossflow fan isnt considered worth much by most people but if it can be set up as an exhaust rear fan it might be enough to help push/pull air out the back. Any thoughts on this?

Ah yes the crossflow fan, unfortunately if you install the NT06 hsf and most likely any other large aftermarket HSF the crossflow fan would not be installable as it would interfere with the placement of the heatsink, apparently it does not move much cfm anyway though.

If you mount the PSU with the fan facing the inside of the case that will function as your primary exhaust fan, though it is undoubtably not the ideal solution. An exhaust slot fan on top most bracket as others have suggested would help much more though.
E6400 L628B194, NT06(No Fan, airflow provided by PSU), Asus P5K-VM w/onboard graphics enabled. Stock case fan installed but will be switching to a two fan intake later today, G. SKill 6400 HZ's, OCZ GameXtreme 700w. 425 X 8 auto vcore 2.1v on ram. C1E, EIST, SPeed Step, all enabled.

I bought the crossflow fan too & discovered it was useless with just about any good cooler installed.
Update: Well, I got my system up and running in the Sugo SG03 and wanted to give everyone feedback as I said I would.

The rig:
Case: Silverstone Sugo SG03
CPU: e6600 @ 2.4GHz
Heatsink: Intel Stock Cooler
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-G33M-DS2R
RAM: Crucial Ballistix DDR2 800 @ 1.9v
Video: BFG 7900 GS OC
PSU: Corsair HX620
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 300GB 7200.10 in front bracket
Fans: 2x120mm Silverstone FN121
Operating system: Windows XP SP2

All BIOS settings are on default, no overclocking going on here (yet!!) I mounted the PSU so that it is facing the side-panel grill, so it is intaking air from outside of chassis.

Ambient temperature was 77F(25C) according to my house's thermostat. I used speedfan 4.32 to measure CPU, northbridge and HDD temp, and Nvidia control panel for video card temp. Here are the results:

First, I measured the temperatures at load by running Orthos Beta CPU and RAM test for an hour. The results were CPU was 52C, Northbridge was 30C, the HDD was 39C and the 7900 GS was 53C.

Next, I measured the idle temperature about 5 minutes after stopping the Orthos test. The temperatures when the system was idle were the CPU at 30C, Northbridge was 30C, HDD was 39C, and the 7900 GS was 53C.

Finally, I wanted to make my video card sweat a little so I played Battlefield 2142 for about 15 minutes and the temperatures at load were: CPU at 42C, Northbridge was 30C, HDD was 39C, and the 7900 GS reached 68C

Overall I'm satisfied with SG03. The temperatures seem fine for SFF. I think it looks very sleek and modern. I like the small footprint because it gives me more room on my desktop. Also, I am comfortable knowing my PSU is more likely have a long prosperous life by sucking in all that cool air. About the only thing I could think of to improve the SG03 would be to include an exhaust vent on the top of the chasis. Having said that though, Silverstone had the foresight to include a PCI bracket at top of chassis perfect for a PCI slot fan. Also, I'd be nice if Silverstone offered a side panel without the grill so users who want the PSU to exhaust hot air from inside the case could do so more effeciently. Otherwise, the case is darn near perfect in my opinion. Thank you Steeeve for recommending it to me in the first place!

edit: I originally said I was using 2xFM122, which is incorrect model. I am actually using 2xFN121 fans, which are about half the speed. Sorry!
using the stock intel cooler, did you have to remove any parts, i.e. the fan? I accidently ordered the wrong heat sink for my little brothers SG03 two days ago and was going to order a nt06 or xp-120 but it looks like the temps are good with the stock
Congrats on the build. Any pics? :)

Not yet but I'll try and put some up soon!

How is the noise level on your SG03?

When idle, the 2xFN121 fans on front of case are the only fans I can hear. They are each rated at 26 dB, and subjectively this sounds about right. Not too bad at all, imo. The CPU fan is completely silent, I often wonder if its running at all! The loudest fan by far is definitely the 7900 GS at load, I plan on replacing that heatsink with a vf900 though.

using the stock intel cooler, did you have to remove any parts, i.e. the fan? I accidently ordered the wrong heat sink for my little brothers SG03 two days ago and was going to order a nt06 or xp-120 but it looks like the temps are good with the stock

The stock intel heatsink fits inside with no problems, including the fan. I have the front panel taken off right now and I can see it still has about an additional 3-4 cm of clearance.
I just built a SG03 and wanted to share my setup and join in on the sg03 conversation.

-SilverStone SG03
-Corsair HX620W - Full ATX
-Gigabyte GA-G33M-DS2R - BIOS F4a
-Intel Q6600
-Zalman CNPS8700 LED
-QTY4 x OCZ 1GB DDR2 PC2-6400 800MHz - OCZ2P800.R22GK
-WD 74GB Raptor
-QTY2 x SATA 500GB Seagate HD

I have the single stock 120mm fan right now but upgrading soon. Also plan to get a video card soon. most likely go with a fanless one.

Overall i'm pretty happy with the setup, its whisper quiet and runs really well. i am having some issues with CPU temps but am trying to work those out. most people posting on this board don't have a Q6600 yet so i haven't been able to compare temps with others. i bought that Zalman CNPS8700 LED before even trying the stock HSF cause with my past experience stock HSFs are pretty loud. i think i might try the stock HSF like etherealtml did above.

It's possible to mount at rear a fan slot like this

But i don't know a good and silent fan :rolleyes:

I think this would be a good idea since its at the top rear part of the case (heat rises doesnt it? ha.) the only problem i see, it might be pretty loud. in my past experience with PCI slot fans they scream! anyone know of a silent one? i saw someone mod a 120mm Yate Loon fan into a slot cooler, not sure if it would fit in the back slot of the sg03 though.

Yes, please post your temps as well, it will be nice to know how the Corsair PSU performs as I was thinking of getting that (the modular cables should be a great help), there is another thread on this forum where someone replaced their Corsair HX620W's fan with a Scythe S-Flex F and reported a 10c drop in temps. Also I'm in Singapore so its quite hot & humid here, hopefully you'll get better temps wherever you are at.

As for mounting a PCI fan slot on the top bracket, that sounds like a great idea, unfortunately for me I mounted my fan speed control bracket there. Also I heard it maybe possible to mount the HDD vertically on the side silver mounting bracket thing, that may drop temps as the normal mounting bays don't really make proper contact with the HDD's casing.

I tried flipping the PSU around so the both the PSU fan and the HSF face each other. temps were cooler with the PSU fan facing the side grill instead.

I mounted 3 HDs in this case. two on the bottom and one where the floppy goes.

See my post here for my temp issue:

How is the noise level on your SG03?

Whisper quiet. Its great! actually the raptor drive i have in there is pretty loud. never noticed before in other setups because of the fans but its an old drive so i might replace it.
From what I'm hearing is that the Q6600s are running so hot that you need the big beefy HSF to cool them properly. Most SFF cases cant fit the big HSF units.
From what I'm hearing is that the Q6600s are running so hot that you need the big beefy HSF to cool them properly. Most SFF cases cant fit the big HSF units.

The thing is, manufacturers like Zalman (CNPS8700 LED) and Silverstone (NT06 and NT06 Lite) market their HSF as Q6600 capable. Zalman has CNPS8700 LED and Q6600 compatibility listed on their site. I emailed tech support at SilverStone and they confirmed the NT-06 Lite is Q6600 compatible. I think using those HSF in SFF cases work well because they're quiet, and thats why people buy them, they just run hotter than we're used to seeing. Both work well in SFF systems, just don't plan to overclock a lot or run all cores at 100% 24/7.
Got this from Silverstone (notice the guys temps before and after changing the orientation):

Thank you for your interest in SIlverStone.

You could place your PSU fan inside the case with NT06 CPU cooler, or keep the fan outside to use other cooler.


Product and Marketing Dept. / ET Hong

SilverStone Technology Co., Ltd

Tel:886-2-8227-8222 ext 330
The thing is, manufacturers like Zalman (CNPS8700 LED) and Silverstone (NT06 and NT06 Lite) market their HSF as Q6600 capable. Zalman has CNPS8700 LED and Q6600 compatibility listed on their site. I emailed tech support at SilverStone and they confirmed the NT-06 Lite is Q6600 compatible. I think using those HSF in SFF cases work well because they're quiet, and thats why people buy them, they just run hotter than we're used to seeing. Both work well in SFF systems, just don't plan to overclock a lot or run all cores at 100% 24/7.

Well, its not that the Q6600 wont work in a SFF box. It will. You just wont be able to overclock it as high as what the ATX users are able to due to cooling restrictions of the smaller cases. I'm waiting to see what the Qmicra v2 owners are able to get with their boxes. They can fit in 9500, 9700, and Scythe Ninja size hsf and the box uses 120mm fans. Plus it also allows for water cooling if the user wants it.
I've been following this thread and others [noticed derekb77's purchase at newegg] as I'm looking to put SG03 rig together on P5K-VM, 520HX psu, EVGA 8800GTS & 2G ram (XP Pro). Already have some extra Nexus Real Quiet 120's to stick up front, 150G Raptor and 500G Hitachi HDDs, and even a PCI slot fan to draw air past the HDDs if necessary and a PCI fan controller for the 120s if it helps. The real question is the CPU/HSF combo to make this work -- mostly gaming [IL-2 1946, ArmA, Fear, COD2 for me 'n' gf] and light photoshop stuff. I have an aging P4/SCSI photoshop work monster so quads don't interest me right now -- maybe when cooler quads and "octs" [?] are out and get cheaper, Q3 '08?.

I was looking at NT06 Lite and 520HX combo for quiet cooling, and either e6750 or e6850. Not likely to OC excessively :p . Any thoughts on whether the difference in heat dissipation is enough to matter for the GO cpus between the two? If it meant sticking in more fans or fan under NT06 I'd be inclined to go with e6750.

I heard it may be possible to mount the HDD vertically on the side silver mounting bracket thing, that may drop temps as the normal mounting bays don't really make proper contact with the HDD's casing.
Somewhere there is a thermal pad available to put under a hard drive. It's intended to help transfer heat to a hard-drive water cooling block, but it would work well to conduct heat into the SG03's hard-drive mounts, too. Unfortunately, I can't re-find where I saw it....

From what I've seen of people's SG03 builds, though, mounting the hard drives circuits-up might be better just to prevent the cable strain of having the connectors right against the bottom of the case.
i saw someone mod a 120mm Yate Loon fan into a slot cooler, not sure if it would fit in the back slot of the sg03 though.
It might be easier to attach a Lian-Li BS-01 blower to exhaust out that top slot. Likely much quieter than a PCI-slot blower, too.

I have been considering a SG03 for my Next Big Rebuild (along with a SG01, and others), and have decided that if I get an SG03 I will cut a 120mm blowhole at the top back. How much space is there up top, between the motherboard and the case "ceiling"? It would be nice to fit a radiator there but I doubt there is enough space. (Minimal thickness: 20mm Yate Loon fan plus 30mm GTS120.)
It might be easier to attach a Lian-Li BS-01 blower to exhaust out that top slot. Likely much quieter than a PCI-slot blower, too.

I have been considering a SG03 for my Next Big Rebuild (along with a SG01, and others), and have decided that if I get an SG03 I will cut a 120mm blowhole at the top back. How much space is there up top, between the motherboard and the case "ceiling"? It would be nice to fit a radiator there but I doubt there is enough space. (Minimal thickness: 20mm Yate Loon fan plus 30mm h.)

Actually you might just have enough room for that radiator. By my estimate, there is about 55mm(H)x185mm(W)x150mm(L) in the back of the SG03 chassis. The length could be smaller if your dvd drive is longer than 200mm.
I've been following this thread and others [noticed derekb77's purchase at newegg] as I'm looking to put SG03 rig together on P5K-VM, 520HX psu, EVGA 8800GTS & 2G ram (XP Pro). Already have some extra Nexus Real Quiet 120's to stick up front, 150G Raptor and 500G Hitachi HDDs, and even a PCI slot fan to draw air past the HDDs if necessary and a PCI fan controller for the 120s if it helps. The real question is the CPU/HSF combo to make this work -- mostly gaming [IL-2 1946, ArmA, Fear, COD2 for me 'n' gf] and light photoshop stuff. I have an aging P4/SCSI photoshop work monster so quads don't interest me right now -- maybe when cooler quads and "octs" [?] are out and get cheaper, Q3 '08?.

I was looking at NT06 Lite and 520HX combo for quiet cooling, and either e6750 or e6850. Not likely to OC excessively :p . Any thoughts on whether the difference in heat dissipation is enough to matter for the GO cpus between the two? If it meant sticking in more fans or fan under NT06 I'd be inclined to go with e6750.


I think either chip would be fine. i think the 2 core chips run a lot cooler than the quads. plus the new G0 stepping chip has a higher Thermal Specification than the B3chips. ( From my experince with the HX620 (not fan modded) the temps were higher with the PSU fan facing the processor. others have had better results but they needed to change the HX620 fan. Also you might want to just try the stock HSF first before you buy an aftermarket one since i'm pretty sure it fits ( i have yet to try it but i read another post that said it would fit). again, the quad will work, you just can't overclock it to the max like full atx owners can.
It might be easier to attach a Lian-Li BS-01 blower to exhaust out that top slot. Likely much quieter than a PCI-slot blower, too.

I have been considering a SG03 for my Next Big Rebuild (along with a SG01, and others), and have decided that if I get an SG03 I will cut a 120mm blowhole at the top back. How much space is there up top, between the motherboard and the case "ceiling"? It would be nice to fit a radiator there but I doubt there is enough space. (Minimal thickness: 20mm Yate Loon fan plus 30mm GTS120.)

i ended up adding an old pci slot blower to the top back slot and connected it to a fan controller. it was a pretty tight fit since its pressing against the DVD drive but it works very well. it really helps dissipate the heat in that part of the case which seems most susceptible to the rising heat of the CPU. adding the fan controller was a necessity since slot coolers are so loud at full strength. a 120mm fan will only fit there if you dont have a DVD drive installed.

is a good fit for the top slot and it can be flipped around so that fan points toward the CPU.

I'm still tweaking with my sgo03 a bit. I have a 100cfm sunon(on a controller) in the top intake and cleared the airflow path to the CPU the best I could.

im still getting about 44C idle temps in intel TAT.

q6600, GA-G33M-DS2R, Zalman CNPS8700 LED
q6600 B3
MSI 8800GTS 640mb
4gig Super Talent DDR2
Zalman CNSP8700 LED
Zalman ZM-NBF47 Northbridge cooler.
Corsair HX620W
Vantec 3.5" Nexus Controller (fits perfectly in the hidden front bay)
1x Sunon 120x38mm fan
1x Yate Loon 120mm fan
Thermaltake A2426 80mm Blue LED PCI Slot Case Cooler




A little messy on the cords there bungwu :p . So i just ordered a few parts and have a few more parts to go. was looking on building a rig based on these parts

Evga 8800GTX
G.SKILL 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400)
Vista Ultimate 64bit
NT06 Lite (can and will change if necessary)
Corsair 620HX Power Supply
2x Scythe S-FLEX SFF21E 120mm

Is there going to be not enough heat dissipation to overclock the E6750? I've been hoping to aim for a reasonable 3.4GHz maybe less, if it takes to much vCore. Is that going to be way to much heat to have a reliable 24/7 system?