Setting XP to full Chinese Mode?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 21, 2008
I believe I've seen this before on other PCs but some people has managed to set their XP to full Chinese whereas everything is in Chinese. I'm not sure if people are using pirated copies (which might explain the Chinese OS), but I want to do the same with my legit XP copy for my Grandpa. He speaks and reads Chinese but not English which makes it hard for him to navigate on XP especially when he's trying to do emails and read news on his computer.

By "full Chinese mode" I DON'T mean just installing the Chinese language pack because I've already done that and that only helps reading codes in Chinese rather than converting the whole system language.

I'm not sure if there's a system setting to do this or if there's an application out there, but I want to know!
You would pretty much need the Chinese version or a volume license that allows for it. It was never available to the home user as far as I remember (at least in Windows XP).
i read something about it being possible on the Professional version? Something with the MUI? Would this 'MUI' do the trick?

My last resort would be to get the Chinese XP license.
MUI language packs will let you change the display language the windows interface uses, so that is almost looks like an internationalized copy of Windoww, which is what I assume most people you see with Chinese Windows is running.

But yeah, the MUI packs are only available via volume licensing. Additionally, Vista Ultimate and Windows7 Ultimate support MUI packs (and these are available via Windows Update for each OS).
Alright, so that possibility is out but does anyone know of an app that might explain what's on your desktop? I think I seem one on a friend's computer where you move your cursor over something and a window will pop-up to explain what's under your cursor in Chinese.

Anyone know of something like this?