Setting Windows Update to manual in Win10


Limp Gawd
Jul 30, 2012
Alright so I finally figured out what to do to set Windows Update to manual installation! I have not yet tested this on Win10 Home so I can't confirm if this works for both Home and Pro. If it does work for Home this will be a nice step back for those that preferred to install updates on their own terms in Win7/8.

1. Hit Win-R and launch gpedit.msc
2. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update, select "Configure Automatic Updates"

3. Change it from "Not Configured" to "Enabled" then select how you want to receive updates (I chose "2 - Notify for download and notify for install")

4. Reboot, might be able to get away with launching admin Powershell and running "restart-service wuauserv" but it was being finicky on my VM
5. After reboot, open Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and click "check for updates", this will get it to update to the new settings
6. Click "Advanced options" and you should see the dropdown is grayed out but shows what you set in gpedit

On my setup it now shows the updates available and has a "download" button. My VM was being a little weird about it, and even though I set it to "notify download..." it was still automatically downloading updates but it was giving me the option for when to install the updates at least.

You can also note in the first screenshot that I also had "Enabling Windows Update Power Management to automatically wake up the system to install scheduled updates" defined, I think it goes without saying what this does but if you are the kind of person (like me) that puts your computer to sleep at night all you have to do is change that one from "Not Configured" to "Disabled" and this should prevent Windows Update from turning on your computer in the middle of the night (annoying because the part where it's supposed to put your computer back to sleep never seems to work for me).
I followed the steps and will give it a shot. Before I just disabled the Windows Update service.
That's what I had done too but I find that to be kind of extreme since you won't even see if you have any updates available.