Setting up Vista for parents: what access levels?


Limp Gawd
Jan 12, 2007
My father is getting a new machine with Vista as his 70th birthday gift. He's a power user type who installs and tweaks things. What would be the best way to set up the accounts for this new machine? If I make a separate admin account what access level should his own account be to allow him to make changes? How will this affect his day to day usage? I want it to be safe but still usable.

If it was me i would make him an admin and leave UAC turned on.
If it was me i would make him an admin and leave UAC turned on.
Seconded! I'd make sure to have all the obvious crap installed, such as antivirus software / spyware protection such as spybot.. I'm sure you were doing that anyway though :)
Sounds good. He's a NOD/Comodo guy so I will get that on there for him ahead of time if possible. I'm going to try the MS tools for transferring user accounts and applications. Curious to see if it actually works.