Setting up a restricted windows account

Jun 25, 2001
Up until now, i have always worked under the assumption that only people who knew what a computer is would be using my machines. Now i have to comfigure a windows account to allow a few "high risk" users on.

I have seen windows machinese in offices , labs, and libraries that have very restricted access to assorted windows functions. Are there any good guides on setting up such a restricted account?

Basically i want them to be able to run ONLY a few programs, see what files i want them to see, not change any settings, not install/uninstall, etc. Guest account by default isnt restricted enough.

Any help or pointers would be appreciated.

Edit: Windows XP Sp2
What OS? Is this a home computer? Have you ever used MMC and its snap-ins?
XP sorry! I usually dont leave out crucial bits of info like that.

I never really used mmc but i will look into that now that you mention it.
Is this Xp home or pro? Is this on a network or stand alone box?

gpedit.msc is what you want if stand alone... start > run > gpedit.msc

Proceed with caution if a stand alone workstation, as you can lock the administrator out. Note: appropriate file system permissions on the gpo directory can prevent the local admin from being delivered a locked down system from a gpo... google and technet are good.
It is XP pro on a home network with a domain controller.
I am manually setting perms on my hdd, and my network shares for the "NetGuest" login that i am trying to cripple. However I am not very thorough, i will be testing and ajusting this for quite a while.

I trtied google, and i dont find quite the information i am looking for. I know what i should be doing, just not the best way to go about doing it.