Server Hosting -- Quick Question


Oct 28, 2004
Morning All:

There has a been a question that has been bothering me for some time. I spoke with some fellow IT personnale about it and while I heard the phrase once I cannot for the life of me recall what it is.

So here goes a description:

You build a Server and you give this server (physically take it) to a local building and said local building organization will put your server into a rack, hook the internet up and for a monthly fee allow your server access to the internet, daily/monthly backups etc etc.

Obviously my attempts to search such phrases as: Server Hosting, Dedicated Hosting etc etc result in renting pre-made servers in some remote location that I will never see.

If anyone has any clue as to what I am talking about, a link, or a suggestion that'd be greatly appreciated. This has been racking my brain for quite some time.

Thanks mates.
Also often spelt colocation..and abbreviated as colo. Common rates from 100 - 250 or so per month..depending on monthly bandwidth usage.