Server 2008 x64 - won't boot from CD

Jun 20, 2006
Hey guys, I installed server 08 from a DVD I was given in a package from a Heroes Happen Here event. I put it in, it installed just fine. Just recently I was overclocking, my machine locked up in the middle of a game, now eve online doesn't work and a few things are acting funky. What I want to do is a repair install. The problem is that ever since I installed it, I've tried booting to the DVD to no avail. It detects it, and begins booting, then when I wait at the grey screen for the menu to pop up for the install, nothing happens and the DVD spins down. All I see is the grey screen where there should be a menu. I've also tried the spic & span 32-bit DVD that came in this package and it didn't work. I just changed from a p5b deluxe to an Abit IP35 Pro, and that didn't fix the problem.

Any Ideas?

Abit IP35 PRO
C2D E6300
4x2GB G.Skill RAM
2x 36.7 Raptors in Raid 0 (one is making noises like it's getting ready to go out, bearing noises, not clicking)
1x Seagate 750GB
8800GTX KO

I have the SATA controller set to Raid.
no! I'm done with overclocking for quite a while, bios is set to default other than the raid setting.
Can you read DVD's in that player from Windows? Try booting with another OS install CD/DVD just to see if it will boot?
That would have been the next question: verifying that the DVD drive is still 100% functional either with some other bootable disc (CD or DVD) or just pulling it and attaching it to another machine and seeing what happens with booting the same 2K8 DVD in the same drive but attached to different hardware.

Troubleshooting... it's a bitch, but sometimes ya just gotta do it piece by piece.
I've tried booting to a 32-bit server 2008 cd with no luck either. I can access all of the data if I get into windows. My main problem right now is that EVE online is not recognizing arialuni.ttf in C:\Windows\Fonts\. That file disappeared after the crash and I've tried getting the file from my buddy's vista ultimate 64-bit installation with no luck. If we can figure out the arialuni.ttf problem I wouldn't need to repair install. Do you think the dvd-rom could be bad even if I've installed a bunch of games from it and can access the data in windows since this started happening?
That's what I was trying to establish. However, if you can access data off a DVD or CD or whatever else from the drive while inside Windows, then I have a hard time believeing that to be the case. Do you have another drive you can try and throw in just for grins?
Yes, I have an older sony DRU laying around. I was trying to avoid that because I don't have any spare molexes and I haven't seen the rest of my modular cables in some time. I'll try it out when I get the chance and I'll let you know how that works.
Cool man. I know it sucks, but if you rule it out then it's just one less thing.