Server 2008 Applications Question


Limp Gawd
Feb 15, 2003
I wasn't sure where this fit forum-wise, but since security is my concern, I'm throwing it in here.

I'm wanting to install some apps on my server for various things (media streaming, newsleeching, etc...) and I'm trying to figure out how I should do this. I'd like them to run as services so that they reside in the background but I wasn't sure if I should create a new account for these type applications or if it's ok to do it under the administrator account.
You could try running the program as a service under the "NT AUTHORITY\LocalService" account or, if the console isn't being used much, you could log in, have the programs auto-start from the startup folder, then lock the desktop allowing them to run without being touched.

Search for "srvany" to learn how to make a program run as a service. The first two results from google should help you out.