Semperon vs P4


Limp Gawd
Nov 14, 2000

I'm trying to play musical computer gutz in my house to accomplish some minor goals of mine while spending very little money. Simply put could a Semperon64 2500+ (based on Athlon64 not AthlonXP) keep up with an old P4 2.4C OC'd to 3Ghz for gaming only. I believe the Semperon is running at 1.4Ghz but looks like the new 64 versions have a bigger L2 cache than the ones with 64 disabled did.
id say yes... just
maybe look in to a sempron64 3000+ would be better imo
Unless you can OC that Sempron to above 1.8 GHZ, I don't think it will compete with a P4 at 3GHZ. A Sempron 64 at 2 GHZ is roughly equal to a A64 3000+.
Ya I knew it was gonna be close... that lil bad boy is just 59 bux which is why its so apealing.

How well these CPUs overclocking?

The 2800's are 76$, wonder if that would be close. Plans to seriously upgrade my gaming machine next year. Not a lot of money right now, just trying to improve some things around the house in the meantime.
I was able to clock my Sempron64 3100 at 2749MHz stable with 1.72v and 2700MHz with 1.65v.
OK, I'm really trying to not spend money if possible, I think below is the most I could spend right now.

P4 (2.4C) @ 3Ghz (1000FSB)


Sempron64 2500 - 256k L2, 1.4Ghz = 59$
Sempron64 2800 - 256k L2, 1.6Ghz = 76$
Sempron64 3000 - 128k L2, 1.8Ghz = 89$
Sempron64 3100 - 256k L2, 1.8Ghz = 107$
Mobile Athlon64 3000 - 1MB L2, 1.8Ghz = 119$ (OEM, do these work in reg mobos?)
Athlon64 2800 - 512k L2, 1.8Ghz = 125$
Sempron64 3300 - 256k L2, 2.0Ghz = 130$ (?)
Sempron64 3400 - 256k L2, 2.0Ghz = 135$ (?)
i would spring for the sempron64 2800+ and overclock it as far as you can. what mobo are you looking at?

also.. the mobile will work in some motherboards. if you get one, definitly get a dfi nf3-250gb to go with it.
That $59 2500 would be a tasty morsel if the multis were unlocked.
Its 7x multi would need a 343HTT just to reach 2400.