Security Suite for Business


Feb 7, 2008
My Kaspersky 2010 subscription has expired and I wonder if I should renew or find greener pastures with a different security suite. If I were looking to protect only my home PC, I'd opt for some freebie goodness: Avast w/ Comodo firewall. BUT since I need something with a license for our business machines ... any thoughts?

It's a fairly small office, no mail servers. Four workstations at the moment, I'll be adding a file sharing server in a month or two and likely a laptop by Christmas. I have spare key from a buddies Norton install, so I only need a suite with 3 users (for now).

I'm looking hard at Kaspersky 2011 but I've been reading mixed reviews. Same with Norton 360. There are at least a half dozen other contenders out there and more conflicting user reviews than I can count; it's hard to make a solid determination. User-friendliness is a consideration as I won't be there to hand-hold when the average user is plucking away, opening strange .exe files attached to emails, dealing with picky firewall pop-ups, etc. Kaspersky 2010 has served me well and I'm leaning in that direction.


NOTE: This is a repost from the General Software forum, as suggested by another user.
I have not had fond encounters with Kaspersky at all, its very intrusive.

I run Vipre right now, we may switch to Nod32, not sure yet
Vipre is definitely interesting, but it tends to be ignored during round-ups. It's hard to get a feel for it's overall worth compared to other big name suites.
Why not install a untangle box at the gateway of the internet connection ? will help with viruses for sure, along with spyware and other crap!
ya but always good to stll have something on the desktop

NOD32 has good package.
Why not install a untangle box at the gateway of the internet connection ? will help with viruses for sure, along with spyware and other crap!

Gotta be honest, I have no idea what an untangle box is. Sounds hardcore. :p I'll Google it for future reference.

NOD32 seems to be a popular choice. I'll look into it. Thanks!