SecureCRT in Linux?


Limp Gawd
Dec 9, 2005
Hi all,

Just wondering if there is any application close to SecureCRT for use in Linux. I can't seem to find one - hoping someone on the [H] knows of one! Thanks in advance!
open a terminal window.

ssh XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX and then you have a secure shell connection bingo. Gotta pay for that bisch in windows.
Not really. What I do is setup my ssh key including key forwarding then create various profiles in gterm (or konsole if you like KDE) which run "ssh hostname" in a separate tab. That way I don't need to remember how to connect, passwords, hostnames, IP addresses, port forwarding is already setup if necessary, etc.
Thanks for the replies. I am aware of those options - I was looking more for one that can save sessions and do tabs like SecureCRT.
Err, my solution is effectively the same as securecrt's session manager. Might want to read it again.
schizo said:
Err, my solution is effectively the same as securecrt's session manager. Might want to read it again.
Sorry - that was directed at the other suggestions....