school network issues: (i'm not trying to bypass anything)


Jul 22, 2004
i originally asked for help on the planetdoom forums, but it is more appropriate to try here.

i'm trying to address some connecitivity issues here in my dorm room.
Once logged in, I have a 100mpbs connection.
Downloads and Web Browsing are fine.

The problem arises when I'm playing online games (see: planetdoom). I don't know a whole lot about networking, or the setup we've got here at school. I do know that before we were allowed to even connect, I had to download a 'log in' client, service pack 2, and several small files which entered some commands in a dos window: firewall stuff i guess.

Precisely, what happens during play, especially for doom, is that it is near impossible to play: pings are erratic (from 35 to 900ms). It's not as bad for half life games or even tribes vengeance beta.

again, i don't know a lot about networking, but it seems like there are a lot of security standards in place which prevent me from sending and receiving enough packets to make gameplay suitable. then again, why is throughput not a problem for downloads?

First Doom 3 Netcode is horrible and I got dual digital cables and I have that prob. It also depends if they are using any firewalls or proxies and how good they are. Good indication of their hardware is to wait in the middle of the night and try to play then. P2P file sharing on college campuses is rampant and tends to screw pings.
I'd ask the admin of the network. It may be that their software has some "issues". And it's very likely you aren't the only one having this issue, so they may have an answer for it.
thanks for your replies.

i'll write to the admin and ask if anything can be done.
i'll also wait until it's late to see if the situation improves.