Scheduled Task Management/Utilities


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 20, 2006
I'm looking for a utility to work with Scheduled Tasks in a Windows 2003/2008 environment. The problem is that my password Database File was lost/corrupt and the password for my account that this scheduled tasks runs on was lost. I'd like to move it another machine and slightly modify the task, but any you open the task it wants you to enter the password.

I'm looking for something that will allow me to pull the password out and decrypt it, or copy the task to another machine and modify the file it launches. I've done a breif search on google, but I get some pretty shady looking sites that I'm not certain are safe to visit.

Does anyone use a task management software that allows you to do this? Heck -- I'd settle for an API that I could hook into with a script/.net program and write something myself if you've got one of those, too!