Schedule email to send


Limp Gawd
Nov 23, 2006
Hey guys, I need to setup a task to email a certain group of people every month to remind them of a few things. We have outlook and it is a basic pop account. What would be the best way to do this. Maybe use autoit? Thanks
Is there a business or functional reason that it has to be an e-mail, or are you just looking for some way to notify them to do "something" on a regular interval? If it's the latter, why not setup a recurring Outlook meeting request to notify them on the schedule you choose?
Is there a business or functional reason that it has to be an e-mail, or are you just looking for some way to notify them to do "something" on a regular interval? If it's the latter, why not setup a recurring Outlook meeting request to notify them on the schedule you choose?

Yeah I can probably do something like that. Basically our maintenance department is in charge of several rental properties and they want to send a recurring Message to all renters to make sure they do certain things (ie. change filters, mow lawns)
I think I understand this more now. You and your maintenance department is on Outlook. However, if your renters are all not using Outlook, then the recurring meeting request method may not work (thinking of webmail-only users especially here).

One possible alternative would be to write some VBA macro within your Outlook (Tools >> Macros >> Macros) that you could setup to send a notification e-mail to a list of addresses you would maintain in it. That macro could be automated or triggered manually, however you need. Google searches could provide you the sample code block to copy/paste/tweak.