scared while playin ?


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 8, 2005
tonight i had one hell of a scare... while playing

i was playing thru ravenholm when a sudden storm came in ... i lost electricity , the curtain from the nearby window fell on me and i received rain from the same window at the same time! yeah you read me right at the same time.... i had a huge f''ing chill since i hate playing the ravenholm level in half life 2...

anyone else has a story like that??
One time my computer just shut off out of no where when I was at a website like ogrish. Nothing as crazy as what happend to you arr4ws. But then again, I don't live in canadia.
i may have jumped a few times over the years, be it while first playing doom 3, or getting fragged while not expecting it on various fps's... But there is nothing in a game that has ever truely scared me... now, the time I knocked over my glass of water which fell on my rig, and poured onto the vidcard and into everything else... THAT was f*cking scary.. in the end after a long date with a hair dryer, everything is running normally and has been for almost a year.. :p
nothing wrong to jump up from time to time by a game. makes it more exciting IMO. playing DOOM III in the dark with 5.1 surround is great.
Asian Dub Foundation said:
nothing wrong to jump up from time to time by a game. makes it more exciting IMO. playing DOOM III in the dark with 5.1 surround is great.

everyone always says that playing D3 in the dark and a good pair of headphones or 5.1 is crazy :p I got to drink a few beers and try that sometime lol.
AlexStenka said:
everyone always says that playing D3 in the dark and a good pair of headphones or 5.1 is crazy :p I got to drink a few beers and try that sometime lol.

yeah might help to be stoned a bit :D
ravenholm was a bit jumpy for me with my headphones in a dark room. and then the dog fuckin paws me !!!
Playing Dino Crisis 1 for the PS during a noreasterner' lol ~Then losing power and listening to what, in reality is my two cats kicking the shit out of eachdownstairs, poofed into my imagination as a raptor running upstairs to rip my head off. :p
a scenario in X-com Ufo Defense comes to mind for me.

it was my first downed ufo i had to investigate. i had never come in contact with aliens yet cause i had just gotten the game. it was at night, all the lights were out in the computer room. the ufo crashed in a farm area, and i had a guy searching a barn. the ambient music is what made it so freaky, and then this little brown alien popped out from a haystack and started opening fire. me and my friend jumped. and this from a turn based game! i was around 15 at the time too. good times
F.E.A.R. got to me a few times in the dark.. wearing headphones, and my roomate sneeks up behind me.... AAAUUUGGGGHHH!!!!! :eek:
I play on a projector with a 115inch screen, surround sound etc. And doom3 and fear have made me jump out of my seat a bunch of times ;p. Its been ages since i've played fear and a little hard to remember everything, but that little girl has spooked me more then once.
GonzoP said:
Years ago AVP had that effect

Thanks for reminding me ;p, Remember that motion sensor thing? walking along in the dark, beeps faster and faster as something is getting closer. I vaguely remember that making my heart race like crazy ;p
FEAR didn't make me jump as much as it got under my skin and creeped me out. D3 = cheap "boo" type of scares and FEAR = creepy and suspenseful
D3 got me. Figured I needed something to keep me up all night. 2 hours later after starting the game, I was watching TV trying to get my mind straight. Needless to say, sleeping pills are a god send.
FEAR gives me the creeps. Walking through the unfinished basement and seeing figures walking by the beams only to vanish when you turn to look at them....yeah, creepy. And when you turn to look at that chick in the elevator and seeing the figure of a little girl behind her as the doors shut, yeah, that creeped me out.
Halflife 1 really got me back in the day, when I was like 14, staying up way past my bedtime and playing the second level, the Black Mesa office complex, watching people getting pulled screaming into vents and such. I think I jumped out of the chair from a freaking headcrab a couple times on that level, but the erieness of the level aided it. Ive always hated headcrabs...
My ex's old PII 266, still hooked up in the back corner, used to switch itself on from time to time... Kind of creepy when you're sitting there in the dark at 3am...
I got scared to death when my mom caught me playing Sexy Beach 2.

I was playing Thief: The Dark Project in the boneyard mission. I was sneaking around trying to avoid a swarm of zombies i'd awakened by accident. It was pretty tense and creepy. Nearly had a heart attack when next doors cat jumped on my desk.

And slightly different. I was playing the first AvP game marine demo when it came out. Very cool back then. It scared the living crap outta me and i screamed, in a very manly way, and frightened everyone in the living room. Mom dropped coffee all over the sofa, screamed at me and it all got annoying.
fear got me a few times. Ive never been afraid to play a game non stop. I had to take breaks or wait for my gf to get home.
Techx said:
i may have jumped a few times over the years, be it while first playing doom 3, or getting fragged while not expecting it on various fps's... But there is nothing in a game that has ever truely scared me... now, the time I knocked over my glass of water which fell on my rig, and poured onto the vidcard and into everything else... THAT was f*cking scary.. in the end after a long date with a hair dryer, everything is running normally and has been for almost a year.. :p

I can relate :(

A rig I had when I was back at University got devestated by a glass of coke moving at high speed.

I turned in my chair and knocked a tall glass of coke of my desk, it was actually moving away from the computer but managed to bounce (yes, bounce) off a wooden desk next to me, and change director right back towards the side of my PC (with the case off), of course it smashed on the soft carpet showing coke inside my PC and instantly killing about £500 worth of hardware.

I swear I actually saw the glass moving in slow motion as I turned to try and protect my PC, never felt anything like it.

FEAR was also quite scary :p

I was playing Thief: The Dark Project in the boneyard mission. I was sneaking around trying to avoid a swarm of zombies i'd awakened by accident. It was pretty tense and creepy. Nearly had a heart attack when next doors cat jumped on my desk.

You think thats bad? Play Thief 3 and wait until you get the the cradle mission, you'll fill your pants playing that.
i wish their was a thief game without the damn zombies...
theres no way as many in Thief 2, I can't remember about Thief 3 but again I dont think there was many, the game was rubbish in comparison to the 2nd one though, only excelling in graphics.
Condemned gets me all the time on the 360. I can't tell you how many times I have jumped while playing that game in the dark.

Playing goddamned Ravenholm at night when all of a sudden I realize my roommate has been standing behind me for a good 10 minutes. How do I realize it? He fucking goes "BOO"
happens all the time. Im a wimp for stuff like that. Have had some real life experiances that kindof screwed me up.

I still havent played more than 20 minutes of FEAR

little dead girls give me the heebee jeebies to the max
Well one time my computer decided to screw up my winXP partion and I couldn't boot. That was pretty scary. Another time I was really young and playing Blood (or Blood 2?) and there is a creature there that jumps on your head and sucks your blood out, and it fills up your whole screen. When one jumped on my head I ran away from the computer scared as shit, turned off the monitor, and pushed the power button as to never see it again..
Bo_Bice said:
a scenario in X-com Ufo Defense comes to mind for me.

it was my first downed ufo i had to investigate. i had never come in contact with aliens yet cause i had just gotten the game. it was at night, all the lights were out in the computer room. the ufo crashed in a farm area, and i had a guy searching a barn. the ambient music is what made it so freaky, and then this little brown alien popped out from a haystack and started opening fire. me and my friend jumped. and this from a turn based game! i was around 15 at the time too. good times

Heck yeah, man -- X-Com UFO Defense was an AWESOME game for its time!
arr4ws said:
i wish their was a thief game without the damn zombies...
Thief II only had about half a dozen, and I don't think you bump into any of them unless you go looking...

Which reminds me of something on topic - in the Thief II rooftop mission, when you get into the necromancer's tower, and a couple of zombies spawn two feet behind you. Nearly shat myself the first time.

Happens right after reading "The Book of Ash", funnily enough... "Klaatu, Verata, Nnnghh *cough*..." :D .
The only time I jumped was in AVP2 when in one of the marine missions when I thought all was clear, an alien jumped out of a container at me.

System Shock 2 was also very spooky.
Fatal Frame and it's sequel have got me a few good ones. What's really great though is when my fiancee is playing one of those. She yelps out loud, totally panics, and runs into walls and shit trying to get away. Runs like a scientist.
Sometimes the 7.1 will make me jump. A lion roared 'behind' me in WoW the other day and I almost spilled my soda. My parrot laughed at me :(
Asian Dub Foundation said:
nothing wrong to jump up from time to time by a game. makes it more exciting IMO. playing DOOM III in the dark with 5.1 surround is great.

Forget Doom 3, as playing Condemned in the dark with a dolby digital setup really takes to cake for being freaky. Doom 3 was pretty unbelievable for it's time as well. I have a friend who couldn't even finish the game because he got so spooked. I've been checking his gamer achievements and it looks like he hasn't even finished Condemned either for the X360.
FEAR was scary as hell but not in the jumpy sort of way, HL2 made me jump a couple of times, i didnt knwo what was comin and BAM theres some combine under the god damn stairs lol and those sounds from those weird fast moving zombie things ughh
The game that really got me was FEAR, if it wasn't for the story I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have finished this game.
Once I played BF2 and it was a pretty intense round, and all of a sudden power went off in my house, everything in my room blacked out - I almost blacked out myself I got so scared.
AVP made me put a little tinkle in my panties as the marine; gdamn dark levels and fast moving aliens, f them.