SBS2003 Slow Internet


Mar 14, 2010
Our network seems to be playing up.The internet on all machines is intermittent and has been for nearly 2 years now :(

Have included a picture of the network.Is there a better way to set it up or any clues as to why the internet is slow and intermittent.I have checked the forwarders and they are set correctly to the ISP dns address's.Should also mention that the internal network seems to function properly although it is a little slow when opening MYOB accounting.

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When I first started my job they had EBS (SBS on sterriods is what I would consider it too) We had the Security Server role in place very similar to the setup that you have. The internet was always intermittent and pages would constantly time out or fail to load all together. Don't get me started on downloading a file. We migrated away from EBS into a standard server model and removed the security server from the equation all together. Since doing that we have not had any troubles with pages failing to load.

The couple of questions I have is the specs of your sbs server? If there is a way that you can eliminate the security server role out of the picture it would probably speed up internet usage 10 fold.

IF you want the security server role there, temporarily bypass the role and see what happens, but I would HIGHLY recommend that you get rid of that part and get a firewall such as a sonicwall tz-210 or something like the likes
I understand what you are saying but there must be a reason why.Why would it work perfectly and then play up.Im wondering if somebody played with the settings, although nobody put there hand up :(