sbs2003 network - sharepoint 'companyweb'...


Jun 12, 2004
hi there,

i know the version of sharepoint shipped on sbs 2003 is woefully out of date, but i have a customer that would like to explore using it.

companyweb is broken on their existing server (amongst many many other things!) and we are in the process of transitioning them over to the new server.

they want to have a look around the included version of sharepoint, and then i imagine that should they like it they will want to upgrade to the new version.

i'm ideally looking for some pointers and links to decent resources on how to drive the existing version of sharepoint...everything i search on only comes up with guides for the latest versions.

look forward to any replies!

Before calling the shipping version of Sharepoint "woefully out of date"....would they be such powerusers that they'll need the few features that the newer version has?

If it's's rather easy to fix. Worse comes to worse...15 minutes doing an uninstall and reinstall of the Sharepoint services and you're done.

Also run the SBS BPA (Best Practices Analyzer)....may find the fix easy enough for you, likse the ASP.NET version got tanked or something.

You can upgrade the Sharepoint in SBS to Sharepoint 3..there's an article on doing so over at

They also have a few articles on working with Sharepoint, and forums dedicated to it.
LOL, I see where your coming from - I simply meant that things have come along quite a way since 2.0! Your absolutely right though, I very much doubt they will want to use anything more advanced than what they have.

We're not touching the existing server at the moment, as it is too fragile to risk it. Their entire business runs on an application it hosts. This means no touchy! The new server will provide them a fresh companyweb to play around with.

Thanks for the tips about the SmallBiz site, I always seem to forget about that one!