SBS2003, add internet only user


Feb 16, 2001
Hey, just want to thank anyone that has helped me with any issues I've had on here. Don't think I've said Thanks enough. Thanks :-D

Anyways, here is a new one. I have been asked to create 6 users for 6 laptops that only require internet access and no file sharing, printers or email. How can I configure SBS2003 to create a user like that? It seems that when I create users in Server Management that they will always get a home folder, email address...etc..etc. Is there a way around that? Or am I going to have to create a user through AD and not Server Management? Or should I just have them connect to the swtich, don't connect to the domain and then they can go on the internet (There is a barracuda web filter in place anyways so I'm not worried about where they are surfing to).

if the users require no resources from the server then leaving them out of the domain is certainly an option, however you forfit controll over the laptops when it comes to policies.

the problem with SBS's server manager is that it masks what is being done as any wizard does, if you need to add the laptops to the domain and require password policy etc, then you could joint the laptops to the domain and just create the users using aduc. keep in mind they will be members of domain users which may or may not give them access to server resources, most likely not though.