SBS 2011 backup MX


Apr 21, 2001
I want to set up backup MX for a client that is running in-house Exchange on SBS 2011. Their ISP has had reliability issues, and when their internet connection is down obviously email stops coming in. Yes- servers are SUPPOSED to re-queue and re-send, but this doesn't always happen.

They own several other companies, and one small site has an SBS 2003 server running, but not using the Exchange portion for anything (they have hosted email). I would like to utilize this SBS03 site as a backup MX for their main site, maybe another they own as well. Good scenario from the aspect that they own the equipment, we have complete control over the site, etc.

I understand how to condigure DNS zone file for multiple MX records, and how to set up the SBS03 box to receive mail for the other domains, but how does it get delivered to the SBS11 server once that server comes back on line? I know how this was down in 03 to 03 with the SBS smtp connector, but I don't know how to set it up on the SBS 2011 box.

Help?? Thanks!