Save Excel chart as Windows MetaFile?


[H]F Junkie
Oct 10, 2001
I'm trying to figure out how to change the font colors for an excel chart.
I can change the title colors, but I can't figure out how to change the font for the actual text along the side and bottom of the chart.

This is in Excel 2000 SP3

I have been trying to figure it out for a couple of days and I'm about to pull my hair out.


shit, sorry guys
I found it
turns out the Chart toolbar was hidden away in the corner of my second monitor, must have moved it by mistake

thanks though

OK guys
New problem.

Anyone know how to export the chart out as a Windows MetaFile?
This is what I get for coming into work on my day off
This is frustrating.
If I copy/paste, I can get the chart into my other software as a metafile and I get the pretty transparencies and stuff, but I lose the font colors, they revert back to black text. If I insert the excel files as an object, the charts come in looking fine, but they act completely differently from other features in the layout like pictures. I cannot align them, nor can I easily resize them by entering a number in the properties, I have to eyeball it with the mouse.

By the way, this is with ESRIs ArcMAP/ArcINFO 9.0 (build 538)

I'm going the conference for this stuff next week and I have a list of things I have had problems with their software.