Samsung 830 - intermittent stutter / lock up


Jul 28, 2012
I recently upgraded from an Intel X25M 80Gb to a 256G Samsung 830 drive, and I notice that sometimes, 3-4 times a day, the drive randomly locks up for about 30 seconds to a minute. When this happens, the activity LED is constantly lit, and I can't do anything on my laptop. After 30-60 seconds, all goes back to normal.
Tested with and without SSD Magician software running, no difference.
Went back to Intel SSD, the problem went away.
Laptop chipset Intel ICH9M-E/M running in AHCI mode.

Has anyone else noticed this stuttering behavior with a Samsung 830 SSD?
Did you update to the latest firmware yet?

I have the latest firmware and have zero freezing issues with my drive.

Edit to add...
Actually thinking about it your laptop might need it's bios updated as well.
Can't say I know why you have issues; my Sammy's (2x 256gb) have been running nicely.
I have the latest firmware. Still experiencing lock-up issues. I guess this has to do with my laptop then (Panasonic F8).
I have the latest firmware. Still experiencing lock-up issues. I guess this has to do with my laptop then (Panasonic F8).

Bios Update
Note there are a couple different models. So be SURE you update the correct one.

That said if everything is up to date already you may have a bum drive or it's simply having issues with the laptop. Have you checked to be sure "ACHI" is set for the SSD in the BIOS?