Samsung 213t $100 off

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That's awfully expensive.

For that price you could get a 24" Dell @ 1920 x 1200.

Just my opinion.

And yes that's been out a while - they probably are trying to clear them out.
haha true... I was the 25ms and the price and went

Sorry folks.

I never noticed the date. Sure makes alot more sense now.


It showed up as newly posted. . . .sorry!!
[EDIT: n/m LOL. I didn't see the date... who the fudgenuggets bumped this old ass thread? Let's cut his balls off!]

For cryin out loud!]
esturk said:

Sorry folks.

I never noticed the date. Sure makes alot more sense now.


It showed up as newly posted. . . .sorry!!

Give the guy a break, I dont refresh my web browser more than once every 2 years :D
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