Saitek Eclipse v. Saitek PC Gaming Keyboard?


Nov 23, 2004
I want to purchase a new keyboard and it appears on amazon there are two made by saitek. The pc gamer version looks like it comes with a gamepad and is also a few dollars cheaper than the saitek eclipse keyboard. The design of the keyboards looks the same and I was wondering what the difference is. Thanks, Rob
Get the Eclipse. The PC gamer version doesnt have the backlight keys as the Eclipse does.
I have eclipse, very pretty. It is hard to explain, but they keys feel very nice IMO.

Gaming keyboards have much to improve upon before I purchase one.
I have logitech G15, back lite + LCD (can be use with FRAPS, no need yellow flashing numbers on monitor). 54 programable keys (18 X 3) gaming keyboard with real function and good lookin too
exe163 said:
I have logitech G15, back lite + LCD (can be use with FRAPS, no need yellow flashing numbers on monitor). 54 programable keys (18 X 3) gaming keyboard with real function and good lookin too
WOW Why don't you stay on topic :rolleyes: He was asking about the above two. But yes get the eclipse one. I love the back lit keys, plus its confortable to type on. You won't regret it. :)
Xerodeluxe said:
Get the Eclipse. The PC gamer version doesnt have the backlight keys as the Eclipse does.

Hate to get technical but yes it does, what it doesn't have is the laser etched lettering allowing the light to come through the keys themselves.

I personally dont need the better lighting cause I can type in the dark if need be so the gamer has fine lighting TO ME so I went with the gamer for the game pad thingy which was VERY helpful when I played WoW and a few other games as well.

So really just decide which is more important to you the better back lighting or the game pad. A good question is why didnt they just do a model with both but we may never know....
They are pretty much the same if you don't mind that the gaming keyboard doesn't have the back lighting on the actual keys. Though some people like the macro pad. I have the gamers but only because I got it for $10.
I would say get neither.
I have a gamer and it sucks rocks when it comes to multible key inputs.
I have seen $5 keyboards do what this thing won't do.
Saitek was entirely mute when I talked to them about it.

watch out for them

I have the eclipse, and I love it. Just feels good and works good. I don't know anything about the pc gamer version.

I've never had any of the multiple key input problems that sparks is talking about. I know a number of gamers that have eclipse keyboards and none of them have ever mentioned anything of the sort either.
dano said:
Hate to get technical but yes it does, what it doesn't have is the laser etched lettering allowing the light to come through the keys themselves.


Thats what I meant. :p
I have an eclipse and I think it is pretty great. I do have one complaint though. Its really weird, but it seems that the audio buttons on it control the sound from whatever app you are using and not the master sound in windows. This kinda irks me, but its not a huge deal.
I've never had a problem with my Eclipse and I would recommend it to anyone that wanted a keyboard for night use. I bought it because I thought it looked cool (matches my whole setup) and because it lights up at night. I didn't buy it to be a "gaming" keyboard because I think pertty much any keyboard will do. I'm intrigued by all those gaming keyboard extra add-ons that have all the keys lined up around your hand but haven't gotten around to trying them. I also use a Saitek Cyborg EVO as my joystick and it's simply awesome. I don't know why Sparks has such a vendetta against Saitek. lol
WhyYouLoveMe said:
I don't know why Sparks has such a vendetta against Saitek. lol

Well I've had a bad experience with Saitek as well. My x52 had a humongous dead-zone, which is unacceptable for the way I use joysticks. Supposedly they have somewhat fixed the issue with the newer ones. When I tried to return it, though, they refused, telling me to "try it for a while, you'll learn to like it". That is in quotes because it IS a quote. Well, I ebayed it and will probably never buy another Saitek product again.

If you do much actual typing I'd recommend this little gem:

Logitech Ultra X

Increased my typing speed a little bit, as the keystrokes are really fast and not mushy. The keys are kind of a laptop style, but full sized for the desktop. Plus, it sits really flat so your wrists aren't tilted backward, so I find it quite comfortable. AND, when I had a problem with one key dying on this keyboard, Logitech sent me a new one no questions asked, no shipping cost, and I didn't even have to send them my old one! That's customer service.
Sorry to hear about your experience with Saitek. :( At least you actually pointed to a reason why you won't use them.

That keyboard looks pretty cool but I gotsta have the lights. :D
Well if the lights are a must then there you go :) I'm a touch-typist so no lights necessary :p If you ever see that logitech keyboard somewhere give it a try, it's THAT good. The pic on Newegg isn't really very good, as the keyboard is the thinnest keyboard you've ever seen. Looks very sexy on the desktop (geez did I just say sexy?).

And it is unfortunate about my deal with saitek because except for the deadzone, I DID like the x52 and would actually recommend it (provided you get a newer one).
Xerodeluxe said:
Get the Eclipse. The PC gamer version doesnt have the backlight keys as the Eclipse does.

Thats not correct . The one with the extra keypad does have the backlit keys.
Spazilton said:
Thats not correct . The one with the extra keypad does have the backlit keys.

It has backlit keys, but the Eclipse has backlight THROUGH the keys. The letters are laser cut into the key so the light shines through the key illuminating the letter. The gamer keyboard only illuminates around the keys. :)
Point taken you are correct in that regard. Damn might have to snag my wifes keyboard now :p Its nicer.
I had an Eclipse which I did enjoy a fair bit. Moved to the g15 when it released and I'm telling you, it's far better. Roomate has the Pc one w/ the extra pad which is handy for WoW (but i just map the same number of keys to my numpad and get the same result). He's also switched to a g15 now too. I find the build quality and having proper media controls on the g15 to be a big seller of the saitek. It was good, but the second I switched I knew right away what I was missing.