S-IPS options needed


Nov 26, 2004
Stupid me, I waited to long. I'm looking for a good monitor, around 20" in size, with an IPS screen. I was going to buy the Dell 2007FPW, but waited to long and now that model has a different type of screen. I thought no big deal, I'll just switch to the viewsonic vx2025, but I just found it it doesn't have the IPS screen either.

Any good options out there with an IPS screen at a decent price? Thanks for your help in advance.
NEC is the only game in town now since you are in a guessing game with DELL.

I'm waiting for a 22" S-IPS myself to come out...but doesn't look like anytime soon.
Affordable S-IPS is rare. Most seem to be in high end NECs

20" 1600x1200: NEC 2070nx, HP LP2065
20" 1680x1050: NEC 20WMGX2, maybe the Acer F20, conflicting info on this one.
I've been down this road and like the NEC 20WMGX2 now myself. The truth is Dell runs 2 lotteries. S-IPS vs S-PVA is one crap shoot, the quality of their S-IPS is another. Even Circuit City has the NEC so you dont have to do the UPS ordeal.
I probably should have mentioned, this is mostly going to be used as computer screen and a widescreen is not a must have. I don't know if that opens up any other possibilities.
Snowdog said:
Affordable S-IPS is rare. Most seem to be in high end NECs

20" 1600x1200: NEC 2070nx, HP LP2065
20" 1680x1050: NEC 20WMGX2, maybe the Acer F20, conflicting info on this one.
That's all I can think of in the 20" size.....I have a F-20 that I'm 99.9% sure is a S-IPS but Acer does leave room for a panel lottery by listing both LG and AU in the service menu without any specific model number for the panel. Mine was made in Feb 06 pretty early in the production run but they may be using the Dell business model by putting cheaper panels in the later versions. However....the reported P-MVA of the latest F-20 is still better than the S-PVA of the Dell if you ask me..
Does HP make have any S-IPS widescreen models?

The Acer is just way too flashy for my taste.
rgh said:
Stupid me, I waited to long. I'm looking for a good monitor, around 20" in size, with an IPS screen. I was going to buy the Dell 2007FPW, but waited to long and now that model has a different type of screen. I thought no big deal, I'll just switch to the viewsonic vx2025, but I just found it it doesn't have the IPS screen either.

Any good options out there with an IPS screen at a decent price? Thanks for your help in advance.

I thought most 2007WFPs (even currently shipping ones) are still shipping S-IPS? The situation regarding the S-PVA panel with the 2007WFP was only found in Asia... and very very few elsewhere. Most people who have ordered a 2007WFP recently have received an S-IPS screen, have they not??
Seems to be running about 50/50 right now in the USA from my recent observations.
seems fry's has the NEC 20WMGX2 monitor for $558, no rebate required.


Check your local B&M Fry's to see if they have it at this price; that way you'll save on shipping.

I have this monitor and it's the best component of my PC that I own. I have it for over 10 months now and couldn't be happier with the purchase. The nice thing about Fry's is that because of their generous return/exchange policy you can exchange it even if you have one dead pixel/back light bleeding, etc.
WicKeDcHilD said:
if you can find it on sale or something the NEC 20WMGX2 :cool:

yeah, i'm waiting for a decent holiday sale on this monitor so i can combine it with the $50 rebate NEC is offering until 12/31 (see below).

amking said:
just an FYI to those of you out there who are considering the 20WMGX2: there is a $50 rebate available to you from nec if you purchase the monitor between 11/20/06 and 12/31/06.

rebate form: http://images10.newegg.com/uploadfilesfornewegg/rebate/SH/NEC7MIRsNov20Dec3106kl09.pdf

qualifying retailers: http://www.necdisplay.com/products/resellerlist.htm
Snowdog said:
Seems to be running about 50/50 right now in the USA from my recent observations.

Just had a chance to catch up with the big Dell Lotto Thread and it looks like S-PVAs are comming in :(..

One owner of a recently purchased 2007WFP S-PVA Monitor compares it against his friends S-IPS monitor and says

After switching back and forth several times, I decided to keep my S-PVA monitor. My friend, who was watching on the sidelines, also thought my monitor looked better to his "amateur" eyes. Even though I play dark games like FEAR and Quake 4, the bleed doesn't really bother me cause it's out at the corners, and not in the center where I'm primarily looking. I have to be thinking about the bleed for it to bother me. And the response time is really, very slight in difference to the other monitor. I really have to try to notice it. Overall, I like the coloration (or lack of dis-coloration) and the viewing angles better on the S-PVA and it outweighs the slight negatives of response time and bleed.

I guess it's very subjective... but based on what I've read so far, I'd still go for an S-IPS monitor to be on the safe side.
Snowdog said:
Seems to be running about 50/50 right now in the USA from my recent observations.

How can u find out if a 2007wfp an S-IPS or not? Is there any code. I am so confused to get any of these. dell 2407, nec 20wx2, dell 2007 and the benq fp241w. cant decide...

First post has the info about the codes/panels. Latest posts show about half the people are getting S-IPS, half PVA, it seems partially Dependant on which shipping location yours ships from, but that will also change as each location gets a new drop from manufacturing. It is a full out lotto mode now.

When I started the post, there were none in North America yet, and initially I warned people to buy now, if they wanted to avoid getting caught up in this panel lotto nonsense. It is now too late. You will get a random panel type and there is no way to tell until you turn it on.