Running OpenVPN Client on PFSense


Limp Gawd
Jun 8, 2011
I've been pulling my hair out about this one, here is what I want:

WAN------------PFSense(LAN)---------------------------Linksys Wireless 192.168.1.x
___________________(OPT1)----VPN(OPT2)-----Cisco AP1240AG 192.168.2.x

_ lines are just for formatting :)

But when I turn on the VPN traffic from both wireless access points go through the tunnel. Does anyone have a solution for this or something I should be looking at?
I want to have two connections one WAP (dd-wrt) to my regular WAN connection, and one WAP(Cisco 1240AG) VPN'd to a server in the US for Netflix (my Wii U will be connected to that one).
Quite honestly I cant even tell what you're asking.

But using rules you should be able to allow/deny any traffic from any ip/interface/subnet/vlan/etc...
Sorry if I'm not being clear what I want is 192.168.2.x to be VPN'd and 192.168.1.x to not be VPN'd, right now they're either both VPN'd or not depending on if I have the tunnel on or not.
Humm, Its not clear for me neither. If you want to deny access to a (sub)network, from inside your network just go on the firewall and deny access to what you want. If you want to deny access to openVPN clients to one of your subnetwork, just add a 192.168.3.x DHCP pool to openVPN clients and deny that pool from accessing what you dont want to be acessed.
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I have fixed the issue I changed the gateway for my LAN connection to the WAN, and my OPT1 to the VPN, It seems to have fixed my issue.