Running Linux on MS Virtual PC 2004


Mar 9, 2000
Just wondering if its possible to run Linux on MS Virtual PC 2004. I've gone through what little documentation I could find, but nothing about Linux is ever mentioned, only Windows versions and OS/2.

Does anybody have any experience running MS Virtual PC 2004? If so can you link me to some resources or drop some tips?

Thanks guys!

iirc, i don't think that it is, but then again, i could be wrong, and i don't have any linkage.
Yes you can run Linux on Virt PC. During setup select Other as OS.
I tried it, didnt have much luck, and it was slow. I'm sure you have your reasons, but you may want to just use knoppix and run from the CD.
Yeah, I'm running 3 flavors of Windows on Virtual PC and they're pretty slow as well. I'll be sure and try it and post back what I found to work.

Does Boch have trouble running Windows? ;)

Emulating a whole PC is always going to be slow, but there is no code in Virtual PC to mess with Linux, that would break the whole point of emulating a full featured x86 machine.

Run most x86 OSes with no custom drivers
You can install and run most x86 operating systems in a virtual machine environment including Windows, DOS, OS/2, Linux, and Novell NetWare.

I assume theres some form of instructions with the product that would give general information on installation. I'd imagine it would be something along the lines of exposing the cdrom to the virtual machine and booting from CD.
On my work system MS VPC ran like crap, but at home on my P4 HT it ran all OS's perfectly.