Router and/or firewall suggestions


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 10, 2006
I'm unsure of what router to get, and if a hardware based firewall would even be necessary.

This is for an MMO server shard project, so it is almost certain we will receive things such as DoS attacks from script kiddies.

Features that I thought might be useful:
IP range blacklisting at the router level
DoS prevention

For a firewall currently we are just using the default software firewall in Windows Server 2008. In what cases would a hardware firewall be beneficial and/or justified?

Wifi is preferred, and looking to spend less than $200.
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I think what dashpuppy is getting at is that your exact question has been covered in quite some detail Soooooooo many times... here for starters

Just browsing the [H] forums will furnish you with so much info, you won`t know what to do with it all.

In summary, it`s all here, just go a-mooching!:D