Roadrunner and VPN

Mar 10, 2005
Ok so....
I use Roadrunner supplied through time-warner, as a cable internet connection, the cable connects directly to my modem/router combo. My problem is this, i am trying to setup a vpn so that my friends on campus can connect to my vpn box, and then be able to bounce out to the bf2 servers, as the campus network blocks the ports for bf2. So, my question is this: anyone know how to get around the fact that roadrunner doesnt allow the vpn protocol? Is there any other way to accomplish what i am trying to accomplish?


but what if i had some other purpose for setting up a vpn? Gaming is not the only use for it, but given that thread, i will humbly withdraw my question...
Joecomputerdude said:
So, my question is this: anyone know how to get around the fact that roadrunner doesnt allow the vpn protocol?

Now I know why my VPN doesn't work. TY
You may have to sign up for Business Class RoadRunner, I'm pretty sure they allow VPN.
Yeah, i have business class, as work pays me to have internet access... they have solutions for connecting to a vpn, but not hosting a vpn. I called roadrunner tech support yesterday as a last stitch effort, and thats what "the man" told me.
(i think his name was actually steve mann or something similar)

I cant use my computer as a frontpage server either, as they block the protocol for that too... I can host websites, but i must upload them from work using ftp or some other method. They offer pc-anywhere as a solution for this.
Again, that's what the mann said...
hmm...I've never had problems with RR blocking ports on my computer.

At least port 80, 21, and 22, but I've never tried vpn on my computer before.
puck said:
hmm...I've never had problems with RR blocking ports on my computer.

At least port 80, 21, and 22, but I've never tried vpn on my computer before.

I've heard of ISPs droppping ESP and AH packets on their networks if you didn't pay for business class service, but I haven't heard of it for at least 2 years now. I assumed that no one was still doing that.

My advice to the original poster would be to move to an ISP that doesn't cripple service in order to get you to upgrade.