RIP: GO 7800GTX bites the dust


Jun 24, 2004
My XPS M170 GPU died today. She was 6 months old. Services will be held at the Dell repair facility on 5/11/06. In lieu of flowers or monetary gifts, condolences will be accepted.

Is anyone aware of stock clocked GO 7800GTX's eating it while rendering just a mild OGL app? Or go7800's eating it in general? Just going along doing what I usually do, and bam- screen corruption. I knew I was screwed when I saw the corruption on the BIOS screen.

Read on if you're mildly interested in my evaluation of Dell tech support:

First, they could make the "special" phone number a little more accessible. Even when logged into my account, it was no where to be found. Had to google for it.

Second, the automated phone system suxors. Going from touch tone to voice recognition without notice. I found that if you play along, you spend a long time answering questions. Just keep saying some odd word over and over until the voice recognition software gives up. I think it may put you higher in the que if you sound stressed. I just kept shouting quesadilla over and over again until a real human answered.

I finally spoke with a very polite indian gentleman, but it took round about 2 hours on the phone for both of us to agree that the video card was borked. Weird stuff, booting into safe mode most of the letters would just be missing. In any dialog boxes that opened...some letters would be missing. It was like friggin wheel of forturne trying to figure out what the message said.

Dell is sending a prepaid box via DHL for me to put the laptop in (sans HD, Power chord, and battery) and he tells me that they'll replace the video card (DUH) and the LCD (Huh?) but it had terrible back light bleed anyway so maybe the next one will be better.

My real question is whether they'll replace the 7800GTX with a 7900GTX. I don't think they make the 7800GTX anymore (can't buy one on dell website). Looking at the specs, the 7900GS is not equal to a 7800GTX (4 fewer pixel shaders and 1 less vertex shader), so I'm going to hope for the best, and raise hell if they try to slip me the GS.
yevaud said:
Just keep saying some odd word over and over until the voice recognition software gives up. I think it may put you higher in the que if you sound stressed. I just kept shouting quesadilla over and over again until a real human answered.

hahahahahahahahaha that's priceless. That made my night. :D

Anyway, sorry to hear about the troubles. I doubt there's anything in particular that caused it...some chips have weak points that take a while to fail, and it looks like that's what happened here.

And yeah, bitch if they try to slip you the inferior card.
they have 7800GTXS trust me. Also the 7900 will not fit in the 9300/M170. Sorry dude just not gonna happen.
Vengance_01 said:
they have 7800GTXS trust me. Also the 7900 will not fit in the 9300/M170. Sorry dude just not gonna happen.

The 7900GTX is an MXM III module just like the 7800GTX, it fits in the same space, has the same thermal design power (with exception of small extra power for extra ram), and pinout.

Anyone have some facts that contradict my sincere hope for a happy ending here?
Trust me no it won't. The 945 motherboard is quite different from the 915. IT WILL NOT FIT. 7800GTX = 7900GTX in pipes and vertex shaders. Simular performace. Dell will send you a 7800GTX. Be happy with that. You laptop is more powerful than most desktops.
Dell won't put in their 7900GTX card because it won't fit without modification. A metal piece that a screw goes through has to be cut off the motherboard, and one of the heatpipes has to be bent to fit. People have done this with their 9300/M170's.
The XPS is on it's way to Tennessee ?!
DHL is a crap shipping outfit. I wonder why Dell uses them now?
Refused to give me any receipt that they were taking possession of a box containing a 3K laptop. "the sticker you separate from the airbill is your receipt, says the guy with a piss poor attitude.
Oh, and what proves you took it from me? Now I'm on the phone with the boss, and same attitude. Drivers dont' give receipts. You're airbill number will give you traking information.
Yeah, that is unless the driver decides he likes what I just handed him and never scans it in. Then I gotta prove I gave it to him- but all I got is a sticker that I separated from the shipping label myslef.
The dell instructions tell you to put everything in the box "power chord, brick, laptop" but the guy on the phone says leave chords/battery/hd out. Mixed messages there.
The instructions also say that you should get signature proof of delivery pickup. DHL isn't going to do that, and will cop a tude if you ask for it.

If give my chances of seeing the laptop again ~50/50. Of the 50% where I get it back again, I see some neutored card in about 80% chance (probably the 7900gs) or one of the lesser 7400gs.

So probably around a10% chance of a happy ending at this point.
DHL is pretty good. The guy probably had a long day, how fun can it be taking packages from people like you? Having to repeatedly tell people common sense stuff such as what he told you - that the receipt detaches from the packing slip. Duh.

And now you think this guy actually can get 3k for your laptop?

And you're also claiming that Dell is now going to rip you off, because they're soooo notorious for that too. I can't count how many times dell has ripped my company off :rolleyes:

Sounds like you've got some obsessive compulsive disorder, and have yet to take your medication and calm down.
Stark. If you have nothing worthwhile to say, you should know what to do. In case you don't, here it is in black and white: Get the &^%# out of my thread.

§Me having part of a shipping label does not prove someone took possession of it. Duh indeed. :rolleyes:
§I never stated someone was going to *get* 3k for the laptop, only that it was worth approximately that.
§I'm not claiming that dell will purposefully rip me off, only that they may make a substitution that is not equal. You should know this from your own EXPERIENCE
§I have no obsessive disorder, other than the strong impulse to extend my middle finger when thread crappers like you try to start something.
btw: My screenname is St4rk, and the text only appeared in white on my sreen, not black and white. :confused: So maybe just edit your post and put white instead. And you definitely sound like a moron, considering you couldn't even figure out how to play dvd's on your new laptop HERE, perhaps someone with half a brain is more deserving of your laptop?
st4rk said:
btw: My screenname is St4rk, and the text only appeared in white on my sreen, not black and white. :confused: So maybe just edit your post and put white instead. And you definitely sound like a moron, considering you couldn't even figure out how to play dvd's on your new laptop HERE, perhaps someone with half a brain is more deserving of your laptop?

If you read the post you link, you'll find that I wasn't the one having the problem, I was trying to help someone who was. Which is pretty much what I try to do here, Simon. I suggest you find some other thread to crap in. Walk away before you
yourself further.

Back OT- Dell shipped the machine back, and it should arrive day after tomorrow. No info on the website, but did get a call from support. Tech said they replaced the card, but could not verify what with. I'll post the rest of the story when it comes in.
You guys want to act like kids take it outside, but keep this hissy fit out of the forum.