Ridley Scott Says Truth About Deckard Revealed in Blade Runner 2049


Jun 22, 2008
Ever since the release of the original Blade Runner, fans of the classic have questioned the morality of Deckard's human condition or maybe just me. Philosophical pondering aside, Ridley Scott was interviewed by IGN for the film's 35th anniversary and has suggested that Blade Runner 2049 will reveal more than what we know of the character. Of course, this goes against what the sequel's director Denis Villeneuve has said previously "not necessarily" contradicting the fact that the question may not even be answered, making both their answers somewhat vague.

Having viewed the many different alternate cuts, it seems pretty obvious Scott had planted seeds of Deckard's past life with the conspicuous paper crane. I myself have never dreamt of any unicorns nor sheep and the unicorn dream sequence must be leftover footage from Legend.

So, I love Beavis and Butthead, so what should follow that is "Duh." So now it will be revealed [in the sequel], one way or the other.

The vagueness of Blade Runner is one of the aspects that fans of the cult classic have loved (and been frustrated by) over the years. According to Scott's own words the original film has already told the audience that he is a replicant and isn't vague at all.
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Seems like Ridley Scotts modus operandi nowadays, maybe there might a prequel with Roy Batty and crew leaving the off-world colony :)

They already made it, it was called Alien: Covenant. You see, the plan was to merge Blade Runner with Alien and then Transformers. Deckard is supposed to transform into the unicorn at the end. Michael Bay was going to make the new Blade Runner-Transformer sound effect based on a modulation of Shia LaBeouf saying "Do It" inside a garbage can.
And this is why I won't go see it. I'm not going to go watch him cash in on this nonsense. More garbage just like that ghost in the shell film.

I'm pretty sure I'll see this but . . . .bottom line is that ever since Prometheus I've really started to doubt the creative process of Mr. Scott. BTW, does anyone know if he's related to George Lucas?!?

For what its worth, I saw a pretty cool interview with Tarantino a couple of weeks ago where explains that most directors hit a peak and then its downhill from there as they get older. He includes himself in this opinion and I mostly agree at this point.
I'm pretty sure I'll see this but . . . .bottom line is that ever since Prometheus I've really started to doubt the creative process of Mr. Scott. BTW, does anyone know if he's related to George Lucas?!?

For what its worth, I saw a pretty cool interview with Tarantino a couple of weeks ago where explains that most directors hit a peak and then its downhill from there as they get older. He includes himself in this opinion and I mostly agree at this point.

Hmm, maybe making sci-fi movies gives you brain damage...
Its not going to get my money. The first one ended and the story was over. Period. This is just a money grab.
First one ended multiple ways...

The only reason I am slightly hesitant about this one is horrible director otherwise woohoo
First one ended multiple ways...

The only reason I am slightly hesitant about this one is horrible director otherwise woohoo

and it ended. Thats the point, questions were left open intentionally. Dont mess with something thats not broken.
I thought it was pretty obvious that everyone except the chickenheads were replicants; all the regular people had to leave because of the dust...
To add to what many considered to be the greatest, dare I say near perfect, science fiction movie of all time, as if it needed more story to be told, is deeply irritating.
All those moments were supposed to be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Sadly Mr. Hauer ad libbed that line... it seems he was far more in touch with the story then Scott was.

Its too bad at the time I would understand that being true with Scott fretting over every camera shot. After years of creating directors cuts and final cuts and digging up workprints to remaster ect ect you would think he would have realized what made the story so fantastic and poetic.

I hate myself knowing I'm going to watch this movie.... I'm going to hate it Scott just confirmed that.
Deckard is a Replicant. But it doesn't matter. Everyone is a replicant. But it doesn't matter. Everyone is in a VR simulation, anyway.
Blade Runner is probably one of my favorite films but after the steaming pile that was Covenant I fear for this sequel.
Replicants don't age and Deckard has clearly aged so he is human.


Also, Ridley isn't directing this. He's an EP. Dennis Villeneuve is. Prisoners was a dark twisted movie. Sicario was pretty screwed up. But I hated Arrival.
Also, Ridley isn't directing this. He's an EP. Dennis Villeneuve is. Prisoners was a dark twisted movie. Sicario was pretty screwed up. But I hated Arrival.

Prisoners was very good...I hated Sicario...it got so many good reviews so I was expecting something epic...instead it was boring...I haven't seen Arrival yet but I also hear good things about that
I'm all for a continuation, I don't watch movies and expect a life changing moment I just want to be entertained for a couple hours and go home.
Prisoners was very good...I hated Sicario...it got so many good reviews so I was expecting something epic...instead it was boring...I haven't seen Arrival yet but I also hear good things about that
So we're doing fuck, marry, kill. Here goes
F Arrival, M Sicario and kill Prisoners.
After the newest trailer, I'm stoked.
First day watch for me.
Saw the original in the theater as a kid.