Retail System(s)


Jun 9, 2004
I'm in the planning stages of opening a business and am seeking some advice.

When you want to have 2 Point of Sales and a Back Room managerial Terminal, What software is easy to acquire, administer, and use to track memberships, Money in and out and Credit/Debit transactions?

I'm thinking something along the lines of Peachtree for the accounting side, but I need a system to read magnetic membership cards (I think RFID is too expensive for membership cards). These cards are going to carry a monetary balance so I need a system to help keep track of each member's spending and recharges.

I'm hoping someone here knows something or someone who knows something so i don't go buying way more than I need to get this system in place.
I would spend some time on google based on the business you are going into, there are a lot of companies that handle the backend magic like you are describing. I'd suggest finding a company that will be there to support you after the purchase.
I have a couple customers on QuickBooks POS. It isn't perfect, but serviceable, affordable, and fairly user friendly. I'm not sure about the membership cards, but they do offer a gift card service if that would work for you.
joblo37pam, Do you know the maximum capacity of gift cards can you have in the database?
No I don't as I don't have anyone using them, but it appears like they work like a prepaid credit card, so I would assume the limit is pretty high, if there even is one. The minimum number of cards you can buy is 100 according to their website, but the custom cards start at 250.
For prepaid gift cards IMO I would see if your merchant provider can handle these....
For prepaid gift cards IMO I would see if your merchant provider can handle these....

Yup, Merchant Banks (credit card processors) handle gift cards. Microsofts new RMS looks pretty spiffy, but is also pretty spendy for small shops.
Thanks, I'll look into that. Is there a good place online (reputable) for secondhand POS hardware?