Resizing Partition Failed


Limp Gawd
Aug 19, 2011
Tried to resize my primary partition and add a secondary one in Partition Manager. I left the room and let it do its thing. Come back to find the operation failed and now my computer boot loops into "Startup Repair is checking your system for problems..."

Where do I go from here? Fuck Paragon software never buying again, I used to use Partition Magic every month and never ran into a problem, Partition Manager so far is at 100% fail rate for me... Great.

Just created a Hiren's USB Key, but what can I do with it? I don't want to mess anything up even more, if that's possible. I would like to avoid a complete reformat if at all possible.

[e] background info
no recovery disc, no disc drive :(
pc is a vizio all in one ca24-a2
i was just about to install norton ghost and back everything up before doing this, when trying to install ghost windows said it was known to have compatibility issues so i put it off. major self hate right now.
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I've had the best success using gparted. It's a linux application, but they have a version you can boot off a disc.. or you can use any Ubuntu Live CD b/c it's one of the default applications on there.

You could use a live disc to boot up and read the HD, copy off your important files, then reformat and reinstall if it comes to that. First download a system repair disc for whichever version of Windows you have and try that.
Ran GParted it told me I need to run chkdsk /f on Windows

I ran chkdsk /f and it failed because the volume is write protected. I wonder if it has something to do with the manufacturer installed recovery partition.

Is there any way I can force chkdsk /f to go past the write protection? I think if I could get around the write protection and do a chkdsk /f then it should solve my problems and allow me to fix the MBR properly.

Here's what the repair disc for Windows gives me
