Replicate 3+ TB


Jan 8, 2003
So I have a bit of a problem I'm hoping some [H] members will have a solution for. I have a server that currently runs over 3TB of local storage. What I have done is carve out a partition on our SAN and connected it to this server with the goal of migrating the data to the SAN then deleting the local copy. I'm trying to find a free app of some type that will migrate the data and keep the copy current until I'm ready to make the switch (something like double-take but free and between local disk). I've looked at a few different apps and have tried one or two but they aren't up to the task of such a large amount of data. I'm doing a second try with Unison but it failed part-way through the copy. Does anyone else know of something that will do this? For the record this is a windows box- so no rsync suggestions ;)
There are several forks of rsync that run on windows.;) I don't have a suggestion beyond that, sorry.
If Unison fails for the second time, I'll look at robocopy- can't believe that I didn't know about that... weird.

Thanks for the input!
Well if you are looking to replicate that much data I would suggest using Steeleye Lifekeeper ( ) this is the only replication software that i have had zero issues with large datastores replicating properly. Double-take has major issues of consuming major resources after 1TB of replication. WanSync I've seen people corrupt 40TB datastores because of how WanSync replicates. Symantec's replication software is pretty slow in my opinion. Robocopy and rsync aren't going to give you the performance you're looking for and isn't designed to do what your trying to do.
none of them are going to do 3TB in one bite, break it up into 250GB chunks.
I beg to differ on that, with Lifekeeper in the last week I've successfully migrated 16TB luns to new luns in one sweep. This is because unlike 90% of the replication software on the market today, Lifekeeper does the replication at the block level instead of file level which makes everything much more efficient.
I beg to differ on that, with Lifekeeper in the last week I've successfully migrated 16TB luns to new luns in one sweep. This is because unlike 90% of the replication software on the market today, Lifekeeper does the replication at the block level instead of file level which makes everything much more efficient.
block level will not work for what he wants to do.
For the record I'm not migrating any databases so while I appreciate the suggestions that's not a concern.

Robocopy seems to have done the trick, and is now keeping the volumes sync'd until I'm ready to switch them.

Thanks for the input
Well if you are looking to replicate that much data I would suggest using Steeleye Lifekeeper ( ) this is the only replication software that i have had zero issues with large datastores replicating properly. Double-take has major issues of consuming major resources after 1TB of replication. WanSync I've seen people corrupt 40TB datastores because of how WanSync replicates. Symantec's replication software is pretty slow in my opinion. Robocopy and rsync aren't going to give you the performance you're looking for and isn't designed to do what your trying to do.

How is rsync not designed for data replication?