Replacing the VNF4 Ultra with the VNF4 non Ultra but I have some questions...


Jan 3, 2005
First i would like to say im sorry to see the Chaintech VNF4 Ultras out of stock everywhere but life goes on so im looking to use the non Ultra as the replacement so basically i am trying to find out what is the difference between the 2. My main concern as you will find out later in this post is that newegg states these boards only support 800MHz Hyper Transport (1600MT/s) while the Ultras support 1000MHz Hyper Transport (2000MT/s)

I go to
I notice that the VNF4 Ultra and the VNF4 are listed under the same icon so i guess they can't be that different.

I then go to
I notice that Chaintech only mentions 2 things that the VNF4 Ultra can do that the VNF4 can't do
- Supports four native SATA2 3.0Gb/s devices
- NVIDIA ActiveArmor

I then go to

That website also confirms that the only difference between the 2 chipsets are what Chaintech's website said.

I then go to

My question is... (drums roll) why does newegg and basically every other distributor say that the non Ultra only supports 800MHz Hyper Transport (1600MT/s) while the Ultras support 1000MHz Hyper Transport (2000MT/s) is newegg correct in what they are saying?

I then go to

From what i gather it is the CPU that decides the HyperTransport rate and since all 939 cpus support 1000MHz Hyper Transport (2000MT/s) why would Chaintech use 800MHz Hyper Transport (1600MT/s) if they do in fact use that for their chipset?

Thanks in Advance
Nvidia released a budget NF4 chip with a slightly neutered HT bus. Current chips work on it just at a lower HTT, which doesn't effect performance too much. Surprised they still have non-ultra out there still though. I don't think it was to stick around that long. Most were early revision chips..