Replacing Bot Infected PCs

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Here is another good thing about getting or giving a new PC for the holidays, the number of infected PCs drops for while. Between that and Asia being cut off from the net for a day or two has seriously dropped the number of spam I got over the last few days. It was nice while it lasted!

"Many of the infected machines are turned off, the new shiny ones have not been infected, and the Internet is momentarily a safer place," Marcus Sachs, director of the ISC, stated in a diary entry. "But like you said, give it a few weeks and we'll be right back to where we started from."
Yeah but it'll be worse in the next few months after those get infected because now that Zombie is 2-3x's more powerful :p
Grimmda said:
Yeah but it'll be worse in the next few months after those get infected because now that Zombie is 2-3x's more powerful :p


Now the person has a faster computer with more memory, so they don't notice the slowdown from the bot running in the background.

This is one of those "Hey, well at least... blah blah blah" kind of marketing spin observation that really has no real truth in the long run. The problem is simply put that security takes a back seat to productivity in most development environments (notice, MOST, not all) even when security is paid lip service. Money talks, and that's what motivates the bot net ops anyhow.

I have a solution: pay a premium for software security services. Fill in the missing gap in capital on the employment end that drives the bot net ops to develop their warez, and you'll have the motivation for white hat developers to effectively guard against the vulnerabilities that make the current bot nets so profitable. Of course there's always the "better mouse vs better mousetrap" thing going on, but everything I've read recently says we aren't putting the resources we could be on the security end of development, and all in the face of releasing the latest and greqatest in the name of the almighty dollar.