Removing the recycling bin icon


Dec 30, 2004
I was wondering if there was any way to remove the recycle bin from the desktop. I cant get the damn thing off. I object dock and I use that recycle bin, so I wanna get the one thats on the desktop off the desktop. Anyone know how to do this?? I', using windows xp home edition, sp2. Thanks!
Nope I dont think you can. But if you use Blackbox (explorer replacement) it will take it off. Be careful because it is still kinda of buggy. Especially with installers. I use it though because its worth the hassle.

EDIT: Here is a pic of it. The menu pops up anywhere you want by right clicking. Dissappers when you left click on the desktop. LINK
But I see so many desktops on "post your desktop" thread that have no recycle bin anywhere....I dunno, but thanks!
go to the following key.
{all versions}


expand that key and a list of clsid values will be displayed.among
that find a clsid value named


delete the above clisid value. this is the clsid value that
corresponds to the recycle bin.after deleting that value restart the the recycle bin icon wont be displayed.

tweakui or tweakxp will do it too.
_Durandal_ said:
Ok, very easy to do ;) . Go here:

On the right-hand side click the download link for the first TweakUI.exe (not the one for Itanium based systems btw). Once installed, select DESKTOP, and then uncheck the box for the recycle bin. Result = Buh-Bye :D

It's a super small program that you'll never know is there.
Theres not an option for recycle only says "first icon" and the options are "my computer" and "my documents" did I miss something.
_Durandal_ said:
Ok, very easy to do ;) . Go here:

On the right-hand side click the download link for the first TweakUI.exe (not the one for Itanium based systems btw). Once installed, select DESKTOP, and then uncheck the box for the recycle bin. Result = Buh-Bye :D

It's a super small program that you'll never know is there.

Damn i didnt now tweakui did that. I use it too and never saw that.
Brett13 said:
go to the following key.
{all versions}


expand that key and a list of clsid values will be displayed.among
that find a clsid value named


delete the above clisid value. this is the clsid value that
corresponds to the recycle bin.after deleting that value restart the the recycle bin icon wont be displayed.

or tweakxp will do it.
True, completely didn't think of the registry at this hour (must be getting tired :rolleyes: ). However, the nice thing is that with TweakXP at least he can add it back if he ever wants to without having to restore the registry key. Plus he doesn't have to restart.
lesman said:
Theres not an option for recycle only says "first icon" and the options are "my computer" and "my documents" did I miss something.
Yeah, you clicked too far. You actually want to stay on the word Desktop and you'll see a list of stuff:

Internet Explorer
My Computer
My Documents
My Network Places
Recycle Bin

Once there, just uncheck "Recycle Bin."
Ooops, nevermind with my last post, thanks a whole helluva lot, that tweak UI worked!
lesman said:
Ooops, nevermind with my last post, thanks a whole helluva lot, that tweak UI worked!
Glad that worked for ya. You know it's only fair that you post a screenie of your desktop now :D.
_Durandal_ said:
Glad that worked for ya. You know it's only fair that you post a screenie of your desktop now :D.
Here ya go! Thanks a lot! All cuzza you guys!

Alternatively, you can just right click on the desktop, go to Arrange Icons and unheck "Show Desktop Icons" :)
The Donut said:
Alternatively, you can just right click on the desktop, go to Arrange Icons and unheck "Show Desktop Icons" :)
:eek: I didnt even know that...holy crap!
The Donut said:
Alternatively, you can just right click on the desktop, go to Arrange Icons and unheck "Show Desktop Icons" :)
Ok..who made you so smart :p. Thanks.
This and tons of other neat registry hacks are on FYI. I personally like changing the "Start" text to whatever I want.

Edit: I jsut checked thier site, and it appears to be down. I'm at work and the border manager doesn't like "registry hack" in my search terms, so I'm not sure if they moved or what.