Removing Ads with IE

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Jan 8, 2003
In my battle to stop popups and ads I ran into a nifty how-to page on removing ads. Oddly enough I ran into it was intended for a game called neopets, but I really dont care as long as it works everywhere :)

Unfortunately the instructions involved using Firefox Mozilla and some other software. So I got to wondering....Is there a way to do the same with Internet Explorer? I really dont want to switch to firefox.

For regular popups I use the google popup blocker. Its below my address bar and works great. Unfortunately, it doesnt work on inpage ads.

Edit: The program that Im talking about is called AdBlock, but its an Mozilla Addon and doesnt work with IE. So Id need an IE counterpart. There's gotta be one out there. I just need to be pointed in the general direction.
I don't think I would ask those type of questions here, or at least re-word your question to be a little more specific as to what type of ads your talking about.
I dont see what the issue is since everyone uses these things. Popup blockers and their offshoots are commonly used.

I guess youre referring to the fact that this site has ads and they might not like me asking about an adblocker? Unfortunately, other sites arent so nice as to not include iffy cookies in their own ads. Such as fastclick and other iffy cookies. Im sure the [H] understands. If I can block those before they get into my pc, I can save myself the 1hr spysweep.every 3-4 days.

(23) Any discussion of AD BLOCKING software or instruction for using ad blocking regarding this forum or any other discussion in general of attempting to block advertisement will result in a no questions asked permanent ban on your account. This is not done lightly, rather deliberately to deny access to those who choose to utilize this forum, but not support our sponsors. It takes money to finance the cost of bandwidth, especially a forum of this size and if you don't care enough to support us through our advertisers, then we don't need your business. This will be the only warning with no discussion.
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