removing a video card

Mar 19, 2006
Its hard to believe But I dont know how to unclip my agp graphics card (fx5200) from my motherboard (asus a7n8x-la)
can someone please enlighten me :)
I unscrewed the screw that hold its to the case but It has a white lever nad I dont know how to unlock the clip
You push the little white lever down, towards the mother board, and it will kick up the end of the video card and you just pull it out.
as funny as that question is, when removing my 7900GTX (because of its enourmous size and my eagerness to put in the 7950... i broke the retaining clip right off. haha... who needs that anyhow.
Faction said:
as funny as that question is, when removing my 7900GTX (because of its enourmous size and my eagerness to put in the 7950... i broke the retaining clip right off. haha... who needs that anyhow.
i have that problem beause the card/cooler is damn big i cant get to the clip so i always have fun when i mess with my system or even my gf's her is the same way.
lloose said:
dremmel tools work great too. :)

lloose, as funny as that is (and I did laugh out loud on that one) some n3wB will prolly read it and try......then your gonna end up with hatemail (PM's, etc....) and drama, and all that......for God sake people, DONT USE A DREMMEL ON YOUR MOTHERBOARD!!!!! (Use a plasma torch!!!! :D )
solobaricsrock said:
lloose, as funny as that is (and I did laugh out loud on that one) some n3wB will prolly read it and try......then your gonna end up with hatemail (PM's, etc....) and drama, and all that......for God sake people, DONT USE A DREMMEL ON YOUR MOTHERBOARD!!!!! (Use a plasma torch!!!! :D )

Plasma is too much :eek:
I have found that one of those small pen-sized butane torches will do the job. Just heat up the pcb right about where it slides in and it should just slide right out. I mean, you have to be a complete noob to know that once you put in a videocard, the copper that connects the card and the copper that makes the connection bonds (duhh.. I mean, how else would it create a good connection?). If you just try pulling it out without heating up the connection first, you will tear out connectors.. I had to learn the hard way :(