Remove Start Menu


Oct 19, 2002
Is there a freeware tweak program or registry edit to remove the start menu from the taskbar? I want it to be permanent, not have to reapply it every reboot.
remove the start menu? u mean the "start" button with the windows logo? i don´t think that´s possible, u can change it but not remove it, try with WindowsBlinds, that´s a software that changes the appearance of windows, l
no no, just don't want it to be a button anymore. the bar can stay there, just don't want anything to happen when you hit it or the "windows" key.
What version of OS? You can do that with group policy editor if you have XP Pro. I saw a tool you can download to do that with XP Home too but can't remember what it was called now. I have a friend with such a prog but it isn't freeware.

p.s. I think this may be the prog I was talking about but not sure if it has the option you want.
Is there a freeware tweak program or registry edit to remove the start menu from the taskbar? I want it to be permanent, not have to reapply it every reboot.

is this a joke? or are you trying to get it so someone can't really run much....or do you have all your shortcuts in the quick launch bar?

i have a command line that I run my programs from and I just want to stop the start bar from being usable.
For what its worth, logtech has (at least) two keyboards, the G11 and G15 which have a switch to enable/disable the windows key.. if that is what you are looking to cripple. If its the visable 'start' button on the GUI task bar, I dont know of any.
I think he's talking about removing the win button which I don't think is possible. The most you can get is remove most of the items on it. My Uni's library does this and the only button you can press is shut down or log out.
He wants to stop it from working and not remove it. That's one of the features of kiosk mode. I've already posted the solution.
Well I've already removed the start menu button, LClock can do that. Now all I need to do is to stop it from responding to the windows key and basically be unaccessible, pretty much making it as if it didn't exist.
I'm not sure if you want to remove it because it interferes with the Windows key, or if you just hate seeing it. Are you on Autohide?

Use Transbar and set it to 0% opacity (or 100% transparency, whichever it uses).

So the taskbar will technically still be there, but you won't ever see it.
Well I've already removed the start menu button, LClock can do that. Now all I need to do is to stop it from responding to the windows key and basically be unaccessible, pretty much making it as if it didn't exist.

You could run some other OS, like, not Windows, yanno. What you're trying to accomplish is basically so against the grain that, hell, you might as well not run Windows.

Wait so just cause I don't want a start menu means I should move to another OS, which all the other options make it so I can't use any of my Windows Apps, especially games that can't really work well in Wine (Cedaga or whatever)

I don't get it... But thanks for your opinion. I was just hoping to see if someone had figured it out.
I'm not sure if you want to remove it because it interferes with the Windows key, or if you just hate seeing it. Are you on Autohide?

Use Transbar and set it to 0% opacity (or 100% transparency, whichever it uses).

So the taskbar will technically still be there, but you won't ever see it.

Well I just don't want there to be ANY way to get to the start menu, not from the key or from actually clicking where it is. Nice program though, would be pretty sweet if it could just remove the bar, but leave the right hand side with the icons (just for some reason forgot what it's called)
Well using LClock I was able to remove the windows key. Only trouble now is even if I modify the windows key scancode in the registry, my windows key still brings up the Start Menu.... Any ideas?
Wait so just cause I don't want a start menu means I should move to another OS
Actually, his suggestion is a valid one. The only conceivable reason to disable and cripple Windows that much is for a kiosk, like Gatticus suggested. I know to some it might make them feel warm and fuzzy inside to do all these crazy tweaks, but there's really no reason to cripple a product you plan on using.
I see where you're coming from but I disagree.

I'm not crippling the OS as much as I'm getting rid of what I don't like. I'm not going to use Linux cause I can't play my games or use many of my applications on it without serious issues and most of them not working at all.

Removing the Start Menu is hardly crippling the OS, what purpose does it serve? Simply to help you get to your files and folders. Well, I have a better way to do that using SlickRun and I find no use for the start menu at all. But to say that because I don't want to navigate to my files and folders in the way Microsoft intended for me to doesn't mean that I should switch to another OS and sacrifice all the compatibility that I demand. I use Linux on my servers and such, but my personal computer needs to be able to run games and a few vital windows-only applications.
You don't want the Start Menu, fine, we get that. The only way to properly do it without causing yourself (and us possibly) more grief and headaches (because you might ask for help in resolving the issues you're bound to have by not using it), then go run this or something like it:

BlackBox for Windows

Perhaps LiteStep, etc. would be in order also. If you run Windows, and you use Explorer as your "shell" interface, you're going to have that Start Menu regardless of what you like or don't like.

'Nuff typed.
As others have said, just don't use it then. It's really that simple. This fad of overtweakin' only leads to trouble.

If you order a steak for dinner, and it comes with parsely on top of you make a big issue of it and return it to the chef? No, you push it aside and ignore it. Simple as that.