Remote desktop viewing applications..


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 5, 2001
Im going to be having 2 computers online all the time just running, but the problem is they are going to be 2 hours away from my house...

what I want to do is have a program that basically i set the 'server or viewer' on these 2 computers then from my home computer i can run the 'browser or client' from my computer and have access to the computer as if im looking at it from its own monitor...

the program would need full control over the computer, from mouse to deleting files etc...

does anyone know of a few good programs like these that dont use a *ton* of memory on the computer being viewed? Or just one thats very efficient...
Real VNC is small and decent.

Remote Desktop built into XP is ace IMO. It performs extremely well.
If its XP, another vote for built in remote desktop. I can access any comptuer i need to for my job (ResNet) from any connection on campus, its quite robust. infact, i have a website that has the Remote desktop client running as an active X client, so i dont even need to install it on a computer to use it. (For the webclient search MS For Remote Desktop Web Client, you need a webserver to use it though)
ah, I guess real vnc is the best choice.. (since neither computer will be running xp)

however a question.. is tight vnc basically the same as real vnc just encrypted?
TightVNC Intro

the SSH provides the encryption and is equally applicable to either real or tight (the tight version natively supports ssh in its unix flavor, youd need to add that to the win32 variety)

TightVNC Features
Here is a brief list of TightVNC features absent in the standard VNC.

Local cursor handling. Cursor movements do not generate screen updates any more, remote cursor movements are processed locally by the viewer, so you do not see slow remote cursor movements behind the local cursor.

Efficient compression algorithms. New Tight encoding is optimized for slow and medium-speed connections and thus generates much less traffic as compared to traditional VNC encodings. At the same time, TightVNC supports all the standard VNC encodings, so it can operate efficiently over fast networks, too. Thus, with TightVNC you can work remotely almost in real time in most network environments.

Configurable compression levels. You can choose any appropriate level of compromise between compression ratios and coding speed, depending on your connection speed and processor power.

Optional JPEG compression. If you don't care too much about perfect image quality, you can use JPEG compression which will compress color-rich screen areas much more efficiently (the image quality level is configurable too).

Enhanced Web browser access. TightVNC includes a greatly improved Java viewer with full support for Tight encoding, local cursor feature, 24-bit color mode, and more. The Java viewer applet can be accessed via built-in HTTP server like in the standard VNC.

Support for two passwords (full-control and read-only). The server allows or disallows remote keyboard and mouse events depending on which password was used for authentication.

Advanced Properties dialog in WinVNC. Unlike the standard VNC, TightVNC gives you the possibility of setting a number of advanced settings directly from the WinVNC GUI, and to apply changed settings immediately. There is no need to launch regedit to set query options, connection priority, to allow loopback connections, disable HTTP server etc.

Flexible configuration options. Unlike the standard VNC, TightVNC allows you to choose arbitrary port numbers for TCP/IP connections, in addition to display numbers traditionally used in VNC.

Automatic SSH tunneling on Unix. The Unix version of TightVNC viewer can tunnel connections via SSH automatically using a local SSH/OpenSSH client installation (provided that an SSH/OpenSSH server is running on the server as well).

And more. TightVNC features a number of other improvements, performance optimizations and bugfixes, see change logs for more information.
okay got it running, but its *extremely slow* in responding... it may be because both computers are on dial up right now :)

however, both computers (once they are all setup) will be on cable and t1, so will this increase the speed drastically? im not sure if im missing something thats making it go slow?
okay my next big question is this...

theres going to be.. let me try and draw a diagram

cable modem
/ | \
cp1 cp2 cp3

now the cable modem would give all these computers the same ip to the internet, yet computer 2 and computer 3 would both be running the tightvnc server... so how can i enable it (or maybe change the port?) so i can connect to computer 2, but not 3... or just computer 3 but not 2?

okay diagram is shit... if you dont understand it cable plugs into the switch, 3 cables go to each computer giving them each internet access...
I think that is a good start for a new question in networking ;)

My networking knowledge is less than perfect and I wouldnt want to steer you wrong, but I think you can deal with that through the submask
Originally posted by sniper991122

cable modem
/ | \
cp1 cp2 cp3

now the cable modem would give all these computers the same ip to the internet, yet computer 2 and computer 3 would both be running the tightvnc server... so how can i enable it (or maybe change the port?) so i can connect to computer 2, but not 3... or just computer 3 but not 2?

You can't actually have "all these computers (on) the same ip to the internet" unless you're doing NAT (or in Windows 2000/XP, ICS).

You're going to need something between the cable modem and the switch which does port forwarding and NAT, unless by some miracle the cable modem is doing NAT (most don't). Most people get a home router to share a single broadband between/among multiple PC's.

Then you need to set up port forwarding between the router and the other machines, so that when you connect to IP+portxx you get VNC server 1, and IP+portyy you get VNC server 2.

- Qualm
okay that makes sense... but once i have the router how will I be able to assign the ports to each computer? (and thanks to everyone for the quick replies.. need to get this done by friday so its helpful :))
Originally posted by sniper991122
how will I be able to assign the ports to each computer?

You do that by connecting to your router through it's configuration software (usually by pointing a web prowser at it's internal IP address) and setting up the port forwarding that you want. Most decent home routers have these features.

- Qualm
okay what about this.. if you have a 4 port router, and you have an 8 port switch.. and you hook up the switch to the router so you have a total of 11 ports that you can use.. would the router recognize those extra 7 ports and be able to extend port forwarding to those? just wondering...
Ok ... first of all, router "ports" and switch "ports" are different. Furthermore, the word "port" is also used for the logical, software based port numbers belonging to an IP number (e.g. "Port 80" for web traffic). This definitely gets confusing for non-experts.

Router ports are also known as "interfaces" and each interface (port) can be assigned an actual IP address, either from a publicly addressable range or a reserved private range (such as 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x). You can read up elsewhere on private and public IP schemes if you need to ...

Switch ports aren't directly assigned IPs, the NIC of the computer physically plugged into the switch "port" is what gets assigned the actual IP address. Note that a NIC can be assigned (either manually or from a DHCP server) a public or private IP.

You only use NAT (Network Address Translation, a way to direct traffic from a set of private address to/from/through a single public IP) if you are using private IP ranges on the machines attached to a switch . If those machines all have public IPs (you would need to be assigned a range of public IPs by your ISP to do this) you don't need to employ NAT.

In your example, the answers are ALMOST, and YES. In your scenario, a 4 port router needs 1 port (interface) for the DSL/Cable line and 1 port (interface) for the line to the switch, leaving 2 ports that you can have computers attached to and send port-forwarded traffic to. The switch would have one port already used by line to the router, leaving 7 ports free for machines. So you could have a total of 9 ports for machines. All 9 of those machines could have port-forwarded traffic sent to them from the public IP by the router.

- Qualm