Remote Desktop question: automatically log back in?


Sep 26, 2003
I've always used a 3rd party remote desktop program to control a computer I have here.

I tried the built in feature for Windows XP for the first time today, it's pretty slick.

I had 1 question for it: Is there a way to not make the current user log off, before the remote desktop connection logs in?

if that can't be done, is there a way to make the previous user automatically log back in after the remote desktop logs off?

Thanks for any help!
I had 1 question for it: Is there a way to not make the current user log off, before the remote desktop connection logs in?

if that can't be done, is there a way to make the previous user automatically log back in after the remote desktop logs off?
No, and no.

I think the server-class OSs can do simultaneous multi-user via Terminal Services, but I know it's not available for Pro-class.

For the second, I'm about 95% sure.
If you log in using the same user account as is currently logged in, it should just redirect the current user login session to the remote destop connection.

As for the second one, I don't think there's any easy way.

lomn75: yes, when enabling TS service on Win2k3 many users can log into the same machine, each having their own user session and desktop.