Remote admin program


May 12, 2000
I am looking for a good, but prefer free remote admin program. I have tried VNC, but I have had trouble with it. Any thoughts would be great.

Thank you in advance.

BTW I went 3 pages deep in Gen Sft and Networking trying to find other posts on this info.
what kind of troubles did you have with vnc? from my experience vnc is pretty much trouble free.
VNC is awesome, unless you are administrating the machine over the internet, which in most cases would leave you w/o encryption. Otherwise it does basically everything...:confused:
Used VNC online and the remote system responded very slowly compared to pc-anyware. To try and describe in a gaming sense, it seemed as though the refresh rate was about 2- 4 fps, which made it impossible to do anything on the machine.

I mistyped and stated I was using VNC, but I am using TightVNC.
Ahhh, yeah that could happen easily even on my lan it can get slow. Remote Desktop is supposed to be faster give that a try?
No I have not tried remote desktop yet. The problem as I see it is that remote desktop only allows clients to connect to win xp, but what if I want to connect to another win platform? Say winxp to w2k?
Originally posted by tay829
No I have not tried remote desktop yet. The problem as I see it is that remote desktop only allows clients to connect to win xp, but what if I want to connect to another win platform? Say winxp to w2k?

there is terminal services for win2k as far as i remember....
Thank you for the help. One other question is can I remotely access as the user that is currently logged on with out them being logged off or for that matter any user without the current user being logged of?
Originally posted by Xtasy0
there is terminal services for win2k as far as i remember....

Only in the server line, but I did find a way of importing those files into W2K PRO.