Reinstalling Office 2003


Jan 15, 2006
So my MS Outlook is screwed up...i want to repair/reinstall it...

When i click Change in Add/Remove Programs, i can either Reinstall Office / Let it detect errors and fix..

If i hit reinstall, will it ask for my CD Key ? I cant be asked to rummaging around for it...

A reinstallation of Office 2003 should not ask for a CD key. The only time it would prompt you for this is with the original install. Even if it does and you DON'T have the CD key, you could hit cancel and nothing should come of it. There are also MSIEXEC commands you could use w/ the Office2003 CD that would work around the appwiz panel altogether.

BTW, I can probably guess that the reason you don't have the key because it's a pirated copy. Shame on you. :)
Assuming you actually bought it and genuinely lost the CD....PM sent
Rocco123 said:
A reinstallation of Office 2003 should not ask for a CD key. The only time it would prompt you for this is with the original install. Even if it does and you DON'T have the CD key, you could hit cancel and nothing should come of it. There are also MSIEXEC commands you could use w/ the Office2003 CD that would work around the appwiz panel altogether.

BTW, I can probably guess that the reason you don't have the key because it's a pirated copy. Shame on you. :)

Steven Seagal said it best in some movie..."Assumptions are the mother of all fuck up's"


edit : and thanks for the PM Mak :)