Registry Popup Error


May 2, 2006
I just did a fresh install of XP Pro (formated the C drive along with it). When I installed the network, video, monitor, and sound drivers, everything seemed to be working nice and smooth.

The only problem Im getting is a popuup from the "Messenger Service." It says..

To fix the errors please do the following:
1. Download Registry Repair from: Http://
2. Install Registry Repair
3. Run Registry Repair
4. Reboot your computer

I ran a registry repair utility and it still popped up.

Also this other pop up comes up right after the pervious one.....

Message from Microsoft to System on 5/4/2006 1:43:14 PM

Microsoft Windows has encounted an Internal Error
Your windwos registry is corrupted.
Microsoft recommends a complete system scan.


To repair now

When I did this, a virus came to my computer along with spyware, so I just did a system restore to restore back to the previouse settings and files. So, it is fine now.

The 3rd one that pop up is this...

Message from SECRUITY MONITOR to WINDOWS USER on 5/4/2006 1:45:58 PM

Important Windows Security Bulletin
Buffer Overrun in Messenger Service Allows Remote Code Execution,
Virus Infection and Unexpecte Computer Shutdowns

Affected Software:

Microsoft Windows NT Workstation
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows Win98
Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Non Affection Software:

Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition

You system is affected, download the partch from the address below !

The next one that pops up is from the Messenger Service...

Message from SECURITY to ALEART on 5/4/2006 1:48:10 PM

STOP! Registry Errors may have occurred.

To Scan for Registry errors:
--Download Registry Cleaner from:

Failure to act may lead to frequent application crashes, degrade performace and instability.

Now, I did a registry scan like I mentioned before and all these pop ups still appear. I dont understand why all these come up when I just did a fresh install. Personally, I believe that it is all spyware.

Thanks in Advanced. :)

PS: Sorry for the caps, but I just typed it in hows it appear on my screen.
Ok......Under system it says....

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Version 2002
Service Pack 1

So I was wrong and its service pack 1.
I'm willing to bet that you've directly connected this machine to the Internet and have no firewall running on it at all, yes?

You're getting these because youre Messenger service is running and you're unprotected from anyone sending messages to you via the Messenger service.
Yep, How stupid am I? I need a firewall. Is that the problem? If so, what is the best one to get.
Like Wolf-R1 is suggesting, you may have contracted something remotely, or are being sent these things remotely. I don't recall if SP2 will desable the messenger service for you or not. It will probably block it, and if it doesn't you can still disable the service manually.

If you don't have an antivirus program, go here first and get AVG Free from the bottom of the page, then scan with it:

Next here, and get "Service Pack 2":

Then, go here; download and scan to check for most problems.

Then downlaod and install this program:

Then return to here repeatedly until it's all up to date:

In addition to those, i recomend switching to firefox and reseving IE for special occations just to be a contientious user.


Enjoy your weekend, and if it still gives you trouble after all that, you may have contracted something sinister that needs to be killed more directly.
Legacy920 said:
Yep, How stupid am I? I need a firewall. Is that the problem? If so, what is the best one to get.
Not stupid, just ill informed.

Patch that beast up. Put SP2 onto it. That has a basic, tho not the most robust firewall that will at least protect you from some things.

Zone Alarm is a decent firewall for a freebie. I'm not a fan of software firewalls as I prefer hardware ones but this one will do in a pinch. It will annoyingly ask you for confirmation as services and what not want access to the Internet and you'll have to answer yes or no.

You should also put a decent anti-virus on this machine as well. AVG has a good, free AV solution.

If I were you I'd download WinXP SP2 here > WinXP SP2. Download the other two then wipe this machine clean and start over again without the Internet connection until you've got at least SP2, AV, and the firewall running on it. Then patch the hell out of it with Windows Update.
Langford said:
Like Wolf-R1 is suggesting, you may have contracted something remotely, or are being sent these things remotely. I don't recall if SP2 will desable the messenger service for you or not. It will probably block it, and if it doesn't you can still disable the service manually.

If you don't have an antivirus program, go here first and get AVG Free from the bottom of the page, then scan with it:

Next here, and get "Service Pack 2":

Then, go here; download and scan to check for most problems.

Then downlaod and install this program:

Then return to here repeatedly until it's all up to date:

In addition to those, i recomend switching to firefox and reseving IE for special occations just to be a contientious user.


Enjoy your weekend, and if it still gives you trouble after all that, you may have contracted something sinister that needs to be killed more directly.
Damn you beat me to it! :p

Some sound advice here as well...especially with Firefox and the anti-spyware stuff added.

The Messenger service can be manually disabled here:

Right click on My Computer > choose manage > expand Services and Applications > click on Services > double click on Messenger > click on the Stop button to stop it > change the startup type to disabled.
Thanks for all your help. Hopefully all of your advice will fix the problem.

Thanks and God Bless.
Hopefully you aren't already infected since an unprotected system can get infected within seconds to connecting to the internet. Yes, by all means install SP2, but SP1 has a firewall in it also. You just have to hunt for it. In the advanced properties of the network card.
Mister Natural said:
Hopefully you aren't already infected since an unprotected system can get infected within seconds to connecting to the internet. Yes, by all means install SP2, but SP1 has a firewall in it also. You just have to hunt for it. In the advanced properties of the network card.
I will agree and reiterate again. Wipe it clean now and rebuild it after you've downloaded and saved the essential security stuff. Get a hardware firewall. :)