Region Coding in Vista- will two drives do?


Jun 9, 2007
I wasn't sure where to stick this post. Anyway

I watch region 1 and 2 dvds. Can I get by with having a DVD/RW drive set to region 1, and a plain DVD-ROM set to region 2? I'm a bit confused about vistas handling of regions, I can't find very much information on it.

If i'm off base, can you suggest alternative methods that don't involve copying the dvd to my harddrive in order to play?
Ditch Vista all in all and get a region free desktop dvd player. Two problems solved with one strike.
can you point me in the direction of a region free desktop dvd drive. and not a flashed rpc1 drive..

otherwise would two drives work? would vista throw a fit?
2 drives should work, although I have not tried this under Vista.

AFAIK VIsta does not support RPC-1 drives for region locked discs. If this is not correct someone please let us know, because this is an issue for me.

RPC-1 drives have generally not been sold since about 2000. You will find it very difficult to get one. Fixing the firmware is likely your only option if you want one.
Anyone on these boards used a region 1 and a region 2 dvd drive in one vista computer? does the os throw a fit? media player or any dvd apps likely to throw fits?
can you point me in the direction of a region free desktop dvd drive. and not a flashed rpc1 drive..

otherwise would two drives work? would vista throw a fit?

I meant a standalone region free dvd-player.. Far easyest way to view movies.
Personaly I would just buy AnyDVD. It will let you watch dvd movies from any region off a single dvd drive. Its like 50 bucks. I also thought vlc would pay another regions dvd as well but I can't seem to find any of my region 2 dvds to try it on.