Recommend me a Rack


Jul 12, 2004
I need a big rack. Full height (floor to ceiling), good cooling so maybe I can pipe my spot air conditioning unit into it and exhaust to another duct, front and back rails for full length servers, good cable management, and reasonable price.

I looked at the APC units and they are so ridiculously expensive. I'm sure there must be good racks for better prices out there. I can easily find cheaper racks, but I don't know how good the airflow is or how good quality they are.

If anyone can chime in with some advice it would be appreciated.

Thank you,

What do you consider expensive? Have you checked Black Box? A good rack with the needed accessories will run you a few thousand dollars.
I agree with MorphiusX... What do you consider "expensive"?

Last time I bought a big (44 - 48 U, I forget exactly how big) floor rack, APC was pretty reasonable and was the rack I chose. APC does build a very high quality rack; no odd sharp edges, good solid door and side panels, nice range of cable management and power distribution options, etc...

For smaller stuff (2 post and wall mount), I've been using Great Lakes racks lately. Good prices and really good quality on the stuff I've purchased. I know they have 4 post, free standing server racks too (with sides, various door options, various top options, etc), but I don't have any direct experience with those products... Based on the quality of the stuff I've gotten from Great Lakes though, I'll probably check out their server cabinets next time I need one and compare it agains APC.

Remember, your rack can last virtually forever. Buy quality now, or you'll still be groaning about some annoyance 15 years down the road! :)
I think the Compaq 9000 series and the HP equivalent (with the rear split doors) are fantastic racks.